Chapter 6

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That's all I see.

That's all that's left in the spot where my house stood only hours ago.

I'm siting on the sidewalk starring at the ashes as tears pour down my face. Everything is lost in there. All the family photos gone.

My parents gone.

The one time they want to come home and cook is the one time that this happens! Ryan walks up and sits down next to me on the sidewalk.

" It's going to be okay. "

He tells me wrapping his arm around me in comfort.

" My parents are dead! How is this okay! "

I cry into his shoulder.

It's hard to believe only hours ago I was in a movie theater without a care in the world.

" Shhhhh I know your hurting but I promise Bella I will take care of you. "

-------Ryan's pov.----------
Hours later Bella is a sleep on the couch after crying herself to sleep. I hate seeing my love so torn up but she will one day realize it was for the best.

Her parents would have never approved and they would have kept us apart and there's no way I'm letting Bella out of arms reach! I had to kill them just like I had to do away with that house so she would have no choice but to live here with me.

I can't wait until I finally get to tell her how I feel and hold her in my arms! I did all of this for her I'm willing to do anything for her and I will do anything to keep her with me.

No matter how many lives I have to take.

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