Tempting The Bond (2)

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Chapter 14

Being this close to each other I was already starting to feel light headed. I never knew just how literal Nala was being until now . . . but that didn’t mean that I was about to quit. He thought that he was in unbearable pain before well now he was going to get a whole new perspective.

“Maia it’s not too late, let go of me . . .” Ryder insisted. Too late? It would never be too late because I didn’t plan to stop. “Stop this now . . . before I do.”

“And how do you plan to do that? Ryder . . . I thought you were here to protect me. We can’t just let him walk.”

“And we can’t just hurt innocent people for our own selfish gain. Also you’ll get hurt too, so yeah, I am trying to protect you.”

“I’m not letting you go.”

He sighed. “Alright but remember this is your fault.” What was that supposed to mean? He held unto my face pulling me closer to him and started a passionate kiss that sent my head spiralling. At first I thought this was perfect, this was what I wanted but then those dark circles began forming all over again and things began dimming. I tried pulling away in an attempt to catch my bearings but he held unto to me tightly.

“Stop!” I mumbled against his lips but that only made the kiss explode. The running shower soon became background sounds and I could feel myself slipping down to the floor. “Ryder stop!” I tried again but again he ignored me. My ears kept hearing a ringing sound and my head was throbbing. I couldn’t see or think straight and cold shivers were occasionally running through me. I reached my hand out to grabbed the edge of the shower in attempt to pull myself away but he grabbed hold of my hand and shoved me back against the wall of the shower. What was he doing? “Ryder my head is spinning please stop . . .”

After that sentence I had lost all energy to stand and had collapsed in his hands. He picked me up wrapped me in a towel and brought me back to my room. Without much care he threw me unto the bed. I could barely manage to move my head so I could look up at him. He wouldn’t . . .

He looked down at me with a disapproving shake of his head. “Now I hope you’ve sufficiently learnt your lesson but if not I’ll show you exactly why we shouldn’t sleep together.” He morphed into a wolf. “Enjoy your rest, hopefully you’ll be able to think more clearly afterwards.” He took one last look at me then he trotted out of the room. I watched him go for as long as I could before my eyes began forcing themselves closed. This time I didn’t fight them; instead I laid and waited to be engulfed in the darkness that was slowly approaching.

Maia . . .


Maia what did I tell you about tempting nature . . .?

But I wasn’t—well not really and I mean he did it first! I didn’t know what else to do—oh come on you have to admit that he deserved whatever he got.

And what about what happened to you . . . ?

I turned in the darkness and saw a bright light shining at some distance. Could that have been her? I took a step towards the light but something prevented me from taking anymore. Looking ahead again I could now make out the silhouette of a wolf . . . it began moving towards me. Soon there were hundreds of wolf silhouettes, each with a pair of glowing red eyes. The all started towards, all growling snarling at me as if I was the enemy. What was this . . . ? I tried stepping back but I was still rendered immobile. They rushed towards me but none came too close. It was as if they were blocked by an invisible shield. They just kept snapping and snarling as they waited to be released. I was instantly brought to my knees by a pain so unbearable that I could hardly breathe.

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