Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

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Really, really, really sorry for not updating :( I know what I want to write, but not the right way to write it :(

Warm, pungent air blew in Connor's face, waking him up as his sensitive nose caught a whiff.

"I should really start giving you breath mints, boy." He muttered, scratching Wolf behind the ears.

Wolf barked, and licked Connor's cheek. Begrudgingly, the half-Kryptonian sat up on his cot bed and pulled a T-shirt over his head. Mal and Gar's cots were empty, and Connor could smell pancakes being cooked not too far off. Then Wolf caught scent of the bacon, and left his best friend behind.

As he got dressed in the "Boy's Dorm," Connor thought about what he still needed to do to get ready for Christmas in three days. 

Now that they were "officially" a "couple" again, Connor wanted to get something special for M'gann. He'd already gotten her something small for her stocking, but he wanted something that would show her just how much she meant to him. He had her back now, and he didn't want to let her go ever again.

After he was dressed, and after forgetting to comb his hair, Connorarrived in the kitchen to see Gar trying to keep an excited Wolf from eating all the bacon, and M'gann trying to keep from spilling the pancake batter. The boys could really eat a lot.

"Wolf. Sit." Connor commanded sharply. Meekly, Wolf obeyed, and was promptly rewarded with bacon.

"Thanks, Connor!" Gar grinned his adorable toothy smile at his Super-bro. Connor grinned back, and messed with Gar's bed-head-hair.

Shoving Connor's hand away, which was difficult with his super-strength, Gar got a mischevious look in his eye as he looked over at his blood sister, who was pouring batter on the griddle.

"Well, I'll just get out of your way right now," he remarked cheekily, dashing out of the room before Connor could say anything to stop the green teenage boy. Looking for a game, Wolf followed Gar outside into the additional snow that had fallen last night.

Connor rolled his eyes, and heard M'gann giggle.

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what?" M'gann stiffened, suddenly nervous.

"That laugh." Connor walked over to M'gann and wrapped his arms around her waist as she set the timer for the pancakes. "I haven't heard you laugh like that in a long time."

M'gann sighed blissfully and leaned her head back on his shoulder. "I guess I just feel like laughing more often." She smiled at him. 

Spotting his bed-head, M'gann ran her fingers through Connor's messy hair to comb it. Little gestures like that always made him fall for her all over again.

"Hey Con- oh." Connor and M'gann spun around to see Batgirl leaning against the counter.

"Yeah Babs, what is it?" Connor asked, keeping an arm around M'gann's waist.

Batgirl smirked, taking a mint chocolate chip cookie out of the cookie jar. "Well I was gonna ask for your help, but if you two are currently occupied..." She trailed  off, crunching a bite of the crispy cookie.

"Not you too!" The alien couple chided Barbra, who pretended to look innocent as she took a plate of fresh pancakes and drowned them in syrup.

Connor sighed and rubbed his eyes. Following, Batgirl's lead, he took his own plate of pancakes before Bart came over, as he'd done every day during winter break, and ate them out of house and home.

"So what did you need help with?" M'gann asked Barbra, heating up some hot chocolate in the microwave.

Barbra's cheeks were bulging full with pancakes, and she choked them down before she spoke. M'gann used that time to sit next to Connor at the makeshift table and squeeze his hand.

"I'm trying to figure out what to get Rick for Christmas. I've been helping him get gifts for everyone else so far, but I don't know what to get the kid." She shrugged and poured more syrup on her pancakes to drown her sorrows.

Thoughtfully, Connor chewed his pancakes a bit longer than he needed. 

"Why not something to remind him of his circus days?" M'gann cocked her head. The timer went off, and she hurried to get some marshmallows to go with the cocoa. 

Connor shrugged, and took another bite. "Yeah, something that has to do with Haly's circus." 

"All of that was a great idea except for the part where you decided to talk with your mouth full." Batgirl snorted, speaking with food in her mouth herself.

Connor rolled his eyes and took the offered napkin from M'gann. 

"Thanks for the help, guys." Barbra took a couple pieces of bacon to go, and hopped down from the stool. "If Tim or Bart stop by, tell them both to meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City."

"Bye Babs!" 

"Merry Christmas!" The two of them called after her, a split second before Mal, Gar, Bart, and Wolf stampeded into the kitchen for breakfast.

As Connor helped M'gann get something to eat for everyone, he thought back to his conversation with Barbra.

Now he finally knew what to get M'gann for Christmas.

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