I Don't Want A Lot For Christmas...

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"Her name is Kiran."

Barbra looked up, curious. "What's her name from?"

"She's from India, and her parents are both archaeologists, like Cassie's mom." Karen set down her bag of Christmas shopping and sat on the bench next to Barbra, who had also finished with her gift-buying.

"What's she studying?"

Karen thought for a moment, playing with a piece of plastic she'd torn off her shopping bag handle. "She's majoring in Archaeology, following in her mom and dad's footsteps. Her speciality is Hindu lore, but she is very interested in Greek mythology, especially Atlantis." Bumblebee and Batgirl grinned at each other, a plan forming in the back of their minds.

Artemis sucked vigorously on her candy cane. "Personality?"

"From what I can tell, she's been through a lot. But she's still really really happy. One of the most positive people I know, kind of like M'gann in high school." Karen told her as Megan herself walked over to the group of girls, laden with bags upon bags of shopping.

"Is this Karen's college roommate?" Megan asked, pulling up a chair next to Artemis.

"Yup." Barbra nodded.

"Guys, I want Kaldur to be happy as much as you do, but this is, what, the fiftieth girl we've talked about?" Throwing her candy wrapper over her shoulder and scoring a perfect three-pointer in the trash bin without even looking, Artemis leaned her elbows on her knees, looking bored with the conversation.

"I really think this may be the one, Arty!" Karen insisted. They had discussed a lot of possible girls, though, and Karen was beginning to get desperate.

"It's a blind date, what if it doesn't work out? Kaldur could be heartbroken." Artemis pointed out.

Megan shuffled her feet uncomfortably. "She's right, what if Kiran doesn't like him?"

Karen sighed, running a hand through her short, dark hair. "It's the best we've got! Kiran wouldn't hurt a fly, she's one of the nicest-"

"-Most positive people you know. Yeah, we heard you the first time." Artemis leaned back, agitated, and placed her heels on the edge of her seat, hugging her legs to her chest.

Karen looked at Barbra and M'gann.

"You're jealous." Barbra observed blatantly

"What?" Artemis asked defensively, missing M'gann's silent warning to Barbra to not go there.

But Barbra caught it. "Nevermind, forget I said anything. Who wants a peppermint hot chocolate?"

"I'll take one," Karen said, distracting Artemis."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"So, if not Kiran, then who else?" Karen asked, eyeing Artemis while Barbra headed off to place their order at a nearby cafe.

Knowing she was defeated, Artemis sighed. "Fine. But you better pray that this works." She threatened. Karen nodded, confident that it would. She knew Artemis and and M'gann cared for Kaldur like their big brother, and Artemis was especially protective after their time undercover together. Kaldur was their leader, he had sacrificed almost everything for them, and Karen was determined to repay that favor. He, of all people, deserved someone special. That was one of the reasons that Karen suggested Kiran: Kiran reminded her of Tula.

"Are we in agreement then?" Barbra asked, handing everyone their mugs.

Karen locked eyes with M'gann and Artemis. "Yes." The three of them said together.

"Good." Barbra settled herself comfortably in her seat next to Karen.

"So, we know M'gann and Artemis's wishes, what's your Christmas wish, Karen?" She asked, nonchalantly sipping her mug.

Karen lowered her cup to rest in her lap. "You girls really wanna know?" She asked doubtfully.

"Yes!" M'gann said, leaning forward excitedly.

Karen rubbed her eyes and leaned back. "It's stupid."

"No it's not!" Artemis smacked Karen's knee.

"Well if it's not stupid, then it's selfish, at least."

"Girl, just tell us!" Barbra slammed her cup down, exasperated.

"Fine! Fine!" Karen gave in. "I really, really..." She trailed off, staring off into space.

"I just want Mal to propose." She mumbled.

It was silent for a minute.

Then Karen's three friends burst into squeals.

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