The Carol That You Sing Right Within Your Heart

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"How about this one?"

Her friend gave her a disdainful look.

"It has a monkey on it."

"So? It's for Gar, not for Connor!" Megan Morse giggled, carefully re-folding the t-shirt and tucking it in the bag with all the other presents she'd chosen for her blood brother.

"Well, what are you getting Connor?" Artemis Crock, her blonde best friend, asks deviously.

"Hm...I don't know, really. He is one of the hardest people to buy for."

M'gann shuffled through another rack of men's shirts, and heard her friend chuckle.

"Dang, I missed you M'gann." Megan turned around to see Artemis shaking her head.

"What do you mean?"

"I meant that you've been a whole lot happier lately, you've made cookies, you're bouncy, you're more..."

"Hello Megan?" M'gann asked, slapping her forehead to accompany her catchphrase.

"Yeah." Artemis affirmed. "You weren't like this at all when you were with La'gaan."

Megan considered her friends words as they left the Old Navy outlet and headed to the shoe store next door. Being a Martian, she didn't need to buy any new clothes or shoes, but she loved helping her friends try out new outfits

Artemis sighed with relief as she took off her tight old boots and slipped on a fur-lined pair of snow boots M'gann had picked out for her.

"I am so getting these." She grinned, holding up her leg to show off the shoe.

"Nope!" With no one around to see but Artemis, M'gann whisked the shoes off of Artemis's feet with her telepathy and arranged them neatly back in their box. "I'm getting them for you. They're your Christmas present now."

"M'gann! You can't do that! I'm not supposed to know, remember? Besides, I want to spoil myself this year!"

"Nope, that's my job." M'gann insisted, taking the box to the cash register. Wow, she really was acting more like Megan again. And especially at this time of year, she felt amazing!

"What did Barbra tell us to get again?" Artemis asked, giving in to M'gann's insistence

"She said keep a lookout for something for Static. I think that her exact words were, 'there has to be something more we can do for him than just be his team'."

The two girls left the store and looked all over the mall, looking for something that they could get for their teammate.

"Over there!" M'gann looked in the direction that Artemis was pointing, at a sportswear outlet. She barely had time to ask what she was supposed to be looking at when Artemis grabbed her wrist and dragged her over instead.

"Virgil's been complaining that he doesn't look as cool as the rest of us do out on the field, right?" Artemis asked, tossing a pair of goggles at M'gann.

"Right..." M'gann caught the goggles and the shirt and pants that Artemis lobbed at her next.

Her friend grinned at her. "So we'll make him a new uniform."

M'gann almost screamed in delight, and began grabbing blue, white, and yellow items. Virgil was going to love this!

Artemis was right, M'gann told herself with a smile. Being "Hello Megan" was more fun!

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