Chapter 6

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Sorry that it is so short I will work on making the next one longer I promise


“Aunt Lilly.” I pulled away from Matt as I looked at her, “yes love bug.” She giggled at me, “can I get some juice.” “Yeah there is one juice box in there for you.” She squealed as she opened the fridge. I sat in Matt’s lap as I got up walking into the kitchen to see Sandra drinking her juice, “well than Sandra you done?” she nodded as she hugged me, “night, night Auntie Lilly.” I smiled at her, “Good night Sandy.” She giggled running back into her room. I sat on Matt’s lap again as I laid my head on his shoulder as we watched Star Wars, “You want food?” I asked as he nodded kissing my cheek, “Alright, is grilled cheese okay?” “Isn’t it always?” he asked as I just laughed, “Yes, yes it is.” He chuckled as I tried to get up.

“Matt I can’t make food if your holding on to me.” He smiled and kissed me, as I got up, I made us food as I handed him a plate with grilled cheese he smiled at me. We ate, talked and goofed around a bit, we went into my room around midnight as I went into the bathroom quickly changing into short and a tank top. I crawled into my bed with matt already in it, I put my head on his chest tracing some of his tattoos. “what are you doing tomorrow?” he asked as I looked at him, “I have work in the morning than to warped tour to see you play along with Black Veil Brides.” He smirked at me kissing my head. “Well than I can drop you off and pick you up from work.” I giggled as I smiled at him. “do you think your boss will let you come with us?” I looked at him confused, “Uhm I don’t know I might have to talk to him.” Matt smiled, “I hope he says yes.” He said quietly as I giggled, “Me too.” He smirked at me as I started kissing his face all  over he laughed as I sat on his stomach.

I laid on him as he wrapped his arms around me as I fell asleep in his arms.. In the morning I woke on my bed and Matt walking in my room, “where were you?” he smiled, “I had to get the door, Sandra’s dad was here.” I nodded as I kissed him, “Get changed we have to get you to work.” I nodded getting up putting my work clothes on as I got my purse and keys. I jumped on matt’s back as he laughed as I smiled. “To work~” I yelled as I kissed his neck I jumped off his back and got into his car. He threw me a bag as I looked at him confused.

“clothes for after.” “OH! Thanks Matt!” I kissed his cheek as he drove off as I gave him the directions to my work. I went into work with Matt right behind me, “can I talk to your boss?” I nodded as I introduced them as I went to work. As I worked on the cars as my boss called me to his office, “shit.” “CHARLES HELP!” I yelled as I held up part of the engine, I put the bolts in to make sure its in. “Thanks Charles, David scared the shit out of me.” He sighed, “I hate when he does that.” I sighed, “thanks again.” I said as I walked to my boss David’s office. I glared at him,  “you could have killed me!” I yelled at him as he looked at me, “What were you doing?” “putting a new engine in one of the cars.” He sighed, “Sorry, but I’m letting you go with your boyfriend on tour, but you will write down every car you fix so I can pay you.” I nodded as I walked out, “Does this mean I can leave?” “Yeah I guess.” He yelled as I went into the bathroom changing quickly. (Outfit in external link)

I called Matt to come pick me up, a couple minutes later he came up I got into the car, “You will meet the rest of the band today too.” I nodded as he pulled up I got a little nervous, “don’t be nervous babe.” I sighed as I nodded, we got out and got onto the bus, “okay this is Craig, Nick, Adam and Aaron.” I smiled and waved at them. “Hi I’m Lilly.” I said a little shyly. They all smiled at me, “So your coming on tour with us?” I nodded as I smiled at them, “Yup, and fix and car or tour bus that needs to be fixed.” They all laughed, “well let’s go we have a show to do.” I nodded as I jumped on Matts back once we got outside, “let’s do this!” I yelled as they all laughed at me.

I'm an A mechanic so why fall for me (A BVB/Matt Good FF)Where stories live. Discover now