The Following Afternoon... (Part-2)

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-Only a Matter of Business-

Mercedes looked absolutely beaming as she was waltzing right out of the door way of her living quarters. The sun shined off her proud smile, her black tie was nice and straight, and her equal marked white sleeves couldn't have been any brighter. For Ms. Mercedes, it was the perfect moment for making announcements. No matter how terrible they may be.

The twins followed behind as they had their grip on me, we walked down the gravel street and towards the center like a parade. Villagers began to turn towards us, showing their happy smiles to their wise and powerful leader as they began to gather around. Mercedes looked around with her fingers meshed and straight posture, looking very calm and friendly towards everyone as they approached us. The twins brought me closer to Ms. Mercedes as she began another one of her grand important announcements for all to hear.

"Attention everyone," She cried out in distress, "I bring you all terrible, terrible news! It appears that we have people in our village who are just... not happy and satisfied with our way of life!" The whole crowd around us gasped, and began to exchange worrisome murmurs. I spotted Gordon and Lisa among them, looking more worried and fearful than the others. "Yes, it is very unfortunate. We as a community must work together as one, but these individuals don't want to! These trouble makers even made John take part in a horrible plot to prevent our Nirvana even further. The people who are not satisfied with our way of life, are willing to threaten it!" The villagers were all so convinced by Mercedes' own flattery, they were already looking at one another for the enemy in their midst.

"But never fear," Mercedes assured, "we know who these trouble makers are, Mr. John Eliot being fooled by their intentions knows exactly who they are." She turned towards me and gave a devilish look in her eyes, "Tell us their names John. Tell us, this'll be the first of many big contributions you'll be making here in the community! You'll be doing our village a huge favor."

I could see Gordon and Lisa fidgeting in full panic already. I knew their names, and if I told Mercedes, I was surely signing death warrants. "I-I don't know Ms. Mercedes," I lied as I stuttered, "I've only arrived just yesterday, I don't even know half of anyone's names."

Mercedes leaned forward with her smile becoming wicked, more than before, "Oh, but surely you've must have spoken to them directly, how else would anyone discuss such an awful plot to ruin us all? Perhaps they're right in front of us in the crowd, why don't you kindly point them out?" Like I said, even with my lie, it only made the situation even worse. Everyone was speechless as they watched me look at their scared expressions.

Mercedes stared at me with shining eyes, waiting patiently for me to decide on a victim. The rest of the villagers who weren't Gordon and Lisa continued to nervously suspect which of their friends or family was the traitor. Mercedes continued to breathe down my neck, she would've waited all day for an answer if she had to. I just couldn't do it, but I was pressured none the less. But then, among the fearful faces, I saw something bold happen right before me. Gordon stood forward from the crowd, no longer looking worried and said out loud, "It was me!" Everyone turned to the man gasping in shock, "It was only me!" he added. Lisa and I were stunned to see such sacrifice.

The Russian man walked towards Mercedes, as she looked up to him with a calm smirk. "And are you sure you were the only one who's unhappy in our midst Mr. Sokolov?"

"Yes," he admitted with a stern look, "I was the one who commissioned your fiance, no one else. I'm the one you're looking for." All the villagers were soon showing disgust towards him.

"But why Gordon," Mercedes frowned, "why would you have Mr. Eliot to break into my home? What did you plan to even achieve? Did you ever consider the pain and hurt you'd be bringing to your friends and family if they ever found out such an atrocity?" Gordon said nothing, only holding his ground as he frowned down at his leader. "Nothing to say? Such selfishness. Lucas, would you kindly take Mr. Sokolov to the rehabilitation center along with Mr. Eliot? A night in there should do him some good."

The twin released my arm and walked over to Gordon, where he grabbed his with little to no resistance as we were both escorted down the street. Nobody paid any attention to me, only to Gordon where he was being frowned by everyone we were passing. I wasn't the bad guy in their eyes despite breaking into their leader's home. I'm the one who should be shunned, not Gordon. I already figured his true intentions on taking the fall. He would rather be the one to suffer rather than Lisa. Sacrifice is anything but selfishness to me.

We were brought into the jail cell, where everyone gathered to see us off. Before the door closed, I turned to Ms. Mercedes and caught a glimpse of her evil smirk before the door closed and locked *Click*. We were imprisoned in the rehabilitation center, but it wasn't over for Mercedes. I could hear her making another announcement to the all the Happy Happiests surrounding the jail.

"Now then," Mercedes continued, "unfortunately this isn't the only bit of sad news that I've yet to bring upon you all." She dramatically cried out, "I have seen a lost little girl roaming around the forest. I fear that she may have lost her way or worse, she has been left behind by her parents!" I could already see where Mercedes was headed with this announcement already, she was rallying up locals to go out to the woods to capture Lucile. 

"That is why we must take action now!" she exclaimed, "We will bring the child here into our village!" The people sounded like they were lightening up to the idea, but I was not. They didn't know Mercedes' intentions like I did!

"Lucas, Levi!" Mercedes called out, "I must task you two to assemble search parties. Once the girl is with us, she will be under my roof where I will take good care of her until we find her parents. And if she's an orphan, I will gladly take her under my wing as family. I'm sure Mr. Eliot would be glad to have an adopted daughter to take care of." No one even objected to it, they all agreed with their leader.

At this point I couldn't even classify these people as human beings any more. They were lemmings! If they were told to jump off a cliff, they probably would. No questions asked.

Author's Note: Update! (12/13/15)

Hello readers, it's me Joseph. Sorry for the chapter being short today, but at least a short one is better than none right? Anyway, I have done it! Today  I have finished the edits (or 3rd draft) for the last part of the story. All that is left for me to do is the final edits on the final 5 update days this story has left. I felt like I have come so far since May 11th of this year. I am really excited right now, and I'll soon be making a thank you letter for the final update on December 30th.

...until next time, read on my dear readers.

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