Ms. Mercedes (Part-3)

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-Backup Plans-

There is a lesson to be learned here. When it comes to living your life out in the real world, having a backup plan is a very good thing to have in case of an emergency. You should never count on things happening your way when you want them to, Life doesn't operate that way. Life is in control whether you like it or not, but that doesn't mean Life shouldn't have things play out more towards your favor. If you have a backup plan, no matter what obstacles life throws at you, chances are you're going to have a better time than you realize. You're better off with an awful backup plan than without one.

But of course, sometimes in life we don't have a backup plan at all. Life will surely catch you with your pants down from time to time with its own infinite supply of monkey wrenches. We have no choice but to face the obstacle head on, which can result in a constant stressful struggle. Sometimes we can have it very easy where we're able to adjust, and sometimes we can have it so brutal, it's as is if Life itself is pinning you down into a gravel street on a hot summer day. It's always best to have a backup plan, otherwise your only other option is to face it.

Looking back at the situation I was in, I was having it pretty rough that day. In a single morning the car broke down, I wasted time looking for help, and I ultimately lost my job. I had no back up plan with me this time. Life had thrown me quite the curve ball, and there was no telling what I could do now.

I sat outside on the steps of the Ms. Mercedes building. Was I crying? No. Was I feeling very frustrated and hopeless at the circumstances that came to be? Yes. My job was probably given away to some other businessman who probably deserved the position more than me. He was probably a guy who was more prepared for Life's obstacles than I'd ever be, always having the backup plan while I threw caution to the wind with my decision to follow a dirt path for help.

The villagers looked to have resumed their normal lives in their dirty clothes and bright smiles, at least they were no longer crowding me and giving me strange happy looks. I guess that's a plus. I continued to stare at the ground when two similar looking figures appeared, casting shadows over me. It was the twins Lucas and Levi, smiling down as they looked to be checking up on me as I sat there about to mope away my troubles.

"Did you find the 'assistance' you were looking for?" Lucas asked.

I let out a tiresome sigh, "If by 'assistance' you mean joining your cult to make my life feel much better, no I didn't. I've just been wasting my own time."

"We take it that you said no to joining the community?" Levi assumed.

"Oh no, it's not you it's me," I defended, "I didn't intend on joining anything when I came here, I expected to maybe finding a phone, a mechanic, or someone with a decent set of wheels. No offense to anyone here, but I thought that maybe I was on to something when I came here, but I guess I found myself in the wrong place. And it looks like I might be here a while!"

"That's a shame Mr. Eliot," Lucas smiled with some sympathy, "we here at the Happy Happy village all wish that there was something we could do for you. Is there anything we could do for you?" Then, as quickly as his brother said it, Levi seemed to have sparked a bold and brilliant idea as he then whispered it into the other brother's ear. It made Lucas smile even bigger. "Actually Mr. Eliot, Levi just gave me a grand idea! Since you're new to us and I bet that you must be a little bit curious about our town, how would you like us to take you on a tour around our village?"

"It's an excellent opportunity to learn more about our culture and life style!" Levi added, "And besides, you just said that you are going to be here for a while right? It's not like you have anywhere else to go any time soon!"

I began to ponder on such a simple offer. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. The only other place I could go was back to Elwood, and I wasn't willing to trek through the woods again only to find that no cars would be passing by to give me a lift (on top of being deprived of hope and energy.)

"Sure," I replied with a small grin, "why not? I guess I'm a little bit curious about this place." Tours are a good way to learn new things. They get you back on your feet, you're always moving, and most importantly you're learning from (hopefully) an expert who knows (almost) everything on the subject. Anything to get my mind off of my miserable reality. Maybe I'll even be able to get used to the smiles here?

"Excellent!" Levi exclaimed with joy, "Well show you everything that makes our little village special Mr. Eliot! Ms. Mercedes created such a wonderful village with tender, love, and care! She even appointed us both to be her left hand men! Whenever Mercedes has a need for us, we're always there to help!"

"I bet Mercedes would be proud of us that were giving you a tour without being asked!" Lucas added.

"Wait a minute," I said raising a finger, "if you're both the left hand men. What about the right hand?"

"We may be both right handed men ourselves," Levi chuckled, "Ms. Mercedes doesn't have a right hand man, or at least not yet!"

"The right hand man is Ms. Mercedes' future special one, and that spot is reserved just for him!" Lucas explained, "Mercedes is very patient and wise when it comes to searching for the perfect husband. We all have faith that she'll make the right choice!" I had no idea that such a leading gem like her was still single, but then again both men and women can be picky about their match. And even when they seem to have the perfect couple, sometimes it will inevitably end in an expensive divorce.

"And once she finally ties the knot," Levi added, "our village will be one big step closer to our nirvana! Now, let us not waste another moment John, there is much more to be learned on our tour. You won't be disappointed!" And thus begins the brief tour, which will take place in the next chapter of our story. Now if you've made it this far my dear reader, prepare for some education. I'll try my absolute best to describe what I saw to keep you from falling asleep. It's going to be a challenge for the both of us, as I'm about to explain a around a town that looked plain, bland, and vanilla on the surface. But only on the surface.

*sigh* Just prepare yourself dear reader, prepare yourself.

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