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I hope you're still enjoying and thanks to everyone who's supported :) xx

This chapter is dedicated to her for the support and love for this story <3 Thanks x



A red hot heat burned in my side but that heat was nothing like the smouldering tears that were clamped behind my eyelids as I tried to pretend like I was still asleep, my breathing harsh and ribs twinging painfully with each breath.

What the hell?!

What was that?

What the hell?! ...Dad...

I had too many questions that I was afraid to find the answers to... I didn't want to know!! I just wanted to go back to sleep. I didn't want to understand anymore. I just wanted Matt back and I wanted none of this to have happened.

One of my treacherous tears slid down my cheek from under my eyelids, burning its way down my cheek as I suppressed a shaky, tear filled sigh. As my body heaved I jolted to a stand-still, my stomach on fire and an unwanted groan ripping from my throat.


"Tessa? Are you awake?" Some one asked; a woman. Lilly.

I groaned again in reply, my body too painful to move and my mind too slow to take in the light I could feel burning down on me.

"Tessa? Look at me..." Lilly urged quietly as she wiped away that tear that lingered on my jaw.

"No... I just want it to stop." I whispered, my words breathy and almost totally silent.

"Tessa... c'mon. Just open your eyes." She pleaded, the shakiness of her voice touching a soft spot inside of my, guilt fluttering up my spine making me oblige. I cracked open my eyes, the light too bright but the pain far too bearable. I wasn't in hospital, this surprising me. I couldn't even count the amount of times I'd ended up there in the past six months... way too many times. I could, I think, single handedly, be the inspiration for a whole season of casualty.

"What happened?" I croaked as I scanned the room, quickly realising I was back at my house, the lamps angled across my face making that bright light fall over me.

"Love Willoway came... she killed some of our men... there's no news on Matt..." She slowed near the end shifting uncomfortably on the edge of the bed, her hand stroking mine in unsure comfort.

Matt! Craig!! Dad...

What had all of that meant?

"Where's Craig?" I asked, my hand sliding down to my stomach, tears of pain filling my eyes as I winced away from the shooting pains that rotted there. "Shit..." I cussed quietly.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her eyes sad and sincere.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Where's Craig?"

"He's here... everyone is..." Lilly admitted, dropping her eyes to the floor as bile rose up in my throat. He had brought everyone in the gang back to my home?! He had virtually lead Willoway onto my doorstep!! That pig-headed, arrogant, stupid little jerk!!

"Ass-hole!!" I shrieked, jumping up out of bed but instantly regretting it. Agony tore through to my spine and had me doubled over, gasping for breath and clutching at my stomach. My knees almost buckled under the pull and I fell back onto the bed, sitting in a tight ball, fists clenched and shaking with both the pain and the anger.

"Tessa, just relax!" Lilly snapped, hands fumbling at my shoulders in an attempt to hold me back.

"No!" I argued, pushing her away and, through the wall of shear pain, staggered from my room and out into the lounge, holding myself up as high as I could manage, eyes almost clamped shut with the exertion.

"Tessa-!" Craig stepped forward, hand stretched out to help my when I batted him away, words of anger and complete frustration pouring from my mouth, my whole body bent double but enraged with power.

"NO! Shut up! Don't touch me!" I yelled, gasping for breath and continuing before anyone could even contemplate answering. "You ass-hole!! You brought everyone here! Love probably knows where I live now and Matt's gone and you've just ruined everything!! Anything else you want to do to make this any fucking worse for me, huh?! Fancy dragging in another gang to tear us to shreds?!" A little childing I'll admit.

"Tessa, just listen!" Craig replied forcefully, taking a large stride towards me.

"No, you listen Craig!! You have ruined everything..." I gasped, suddenly tired and exhausted, the questions returning to my mind and scaring me into silence. I didn't want to know the answers!

"Tessa... I'm sorry." Craig sighed in reply, folding me into an embrace, my body and mind stunned into an even deeper silence. Craig had apologized... that must be a first!

Seeming to shatter my heart all over again though, something in my brain clicked.

I shoved Craig away with my left over strength, pain rippling down me making me gasp and falter before I spoke.

"My dad... the accident... the car crash!"


Ohhh, another cliff-hanger!!

Please please vote - if you think it's worthy - and thanks for reading,

Lovee Evie xx

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