Empty Threats?

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Yeayyyy! :) back again and even more exciting and more... experienced!! You'll see x

I really hope you enjoy this as I really enjoy writing it :) Tessa and Matt are still very much involved - don't worry - and more characters will squirm from the woodwork (mwahahahah) lol!!

This chapter is dedicated to this Wattpad reader as a thank you for voting for all of my chapters!! o_O (I'm sorry if others of you have voted too - I just can't keep track of everyone!!)

 I'm not really sure about what will happen yet but I'll try to get as much good stuff done as I can, anyway, I'm just babbling so I'll let you get on:




and enjoy!!


My feet were almost silent on the marble terrace, my new shoes, along with the rest of my outfit, had been left for me at our little apartment after Matt and I got back from our honeymoon.

Craig was the only explanation. This was my life now, the pulse racing, terrifying yet, and I didn't like to admit it, exhillerating situations that were my new job...

"Tessa? Were almost in, you remember what you need to do?" Lilly's voice made me jump around, my fists raised just as Matt had taught me.

"Uh huh..." I nodded, swallowing my fear quickly.

"Don't be nervous. You'll be fine, Craig can be a bastard but he won't let any of us get caught, he's a good boss." Lilly responded to my nerves, trying her best to make me feel more comfortable and safe. I wasn't going to lie, I knew that Craig wouldn't let any of us get caught. But this was my first 'job' with him and it was a big one. It wasn't that I was scared of what I was stuck in, I just didn't agree with what we were doing. It wasn't right. Craig said it was like Robin Hood: Steal from the rich and give to the poor. But I didn't see where he was coming from. The money we got from the robbery would be split between us and the rest would pay off some of Craig's 'problems'. It was wrong, not to mention I was shitting myself! It was only three weeks since Matt and I returned from our gorgeous honeymoon...

Before I could get into dreams of the time we had spent together however, a voice rang down the halls from behind me, screaming out to stop.

"Run!" Lilly shouted at me, grasping my arms as we flew out through the double doors, a large bag in her hand as this mansions security system kicked in. As soon as the door slammed shut behind us we heard the lock click shut and alarms wail out in an unbearably loud warning to the residents.

"Shit! Go faster!" A male voice joined in alongside Lilly and I, running at our pace, another large bag in his hand. Derron, Craig's third in charge.

My feet flew below me as my heart pounded loudly in my head, all of the blood from my body seeming to ricochet from ear to ear. My hands paddled at the air, as if trying to propel me forward but, even though I was empty handed, I couldn't keep up with the older, tougher, stronger gang members that were already jumping the large, metal fence.  

"C'mon, Tessa. keep going!" Lilly begged, staying by my side, both of us with a sheen of terrified sweat beading on our foreheads. The muscles all over my body were protesting and all of my limbs felt like jelly. The butterflies had spread from my stomach and them, along with the pure fear, was making me dizzy and unstable. My ankle twisted below me as, in one heart racing second, the echoing, ferral sound of barking dogs burst from the house behind.

Empty Threats? (no. 2 in the *My messy life* series)Where stories live. Discover now