DML: Chapter Fifteen: Monster of Mine Forever Sounds Perfect

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I watch Simone walk down the beach, the wind tugging the long mass of her blonde hair, and her skirts. She is so poised and beautiful. The moon fades her hair to silver, and her gliding gait makes her ghostlike as she walks the coast.

I breathe out and my shoulders slump. I slept all day and half the night. When I woke the bodies were gone and Adam waited for me. Simone had taken Daniel to the boundary line and left him there as I requested. He was gone when they rose from slumber.

The Lycanthropes claimed him.

I could still feel him, but I decided to keep that to myself. Adam did not push me to reveal this though I know he saw it on my face when he wondered aloud how long Daniel would live.

 “Why did you speak for me?” I ask.

Adam smiles and pats my head like I’m his favorite pet. “It is prudent for the old and the young to stick together is it not? I represent the past. A monolith of power that is unending and never changing. Reminding our race of what once was. You are a bundle of raw energy and passion pushing our race to evolve, even though we find it difficult to change. We had become so unconcerned with the troubles of mortals. You remind us that our actions affect more than ourselves. Besides, you love Ben. He was a good Child, and I find myself moved by the emotion between you.” He looks toward the direction of the beach, obviously anxious to fix the bad feeling between him and Simone. “One day, I will tell you how she and I came to love each other. It is a story that puts yours and Ben’s tale to shame.”

I wring my hands, thinking of how fierce she was the last time I saw her. She hacked Daniel’s legs to pieces and not once did her face show any form of pain or inclination what she did was anything other than deserved. I suppose in her eyes it was much less than his judgment called for. She had a kind heart, and had watched many of her kind die … had to end them with her own bare hands. No wonder she was pissed.

“Will she be angry with you for long?” I ask worriedly.

He laughs, “The last time we argued it took a decade for her to forgive me.” I gape at him in horror. Ten years of anger? Over what, I wonder. My goodness, what could possibly have happened for her to distance herself from him for so long? I … oh, right. Thanks memory. “I see you remember now.” Adam smiles at me. “Do not fret, Petite One. Winning her back is part of the thrill for me, and, at least this time she did not try to kill me, hmm?” He pulls me in for a hug, and I’m bewildered, reliving the moments that are clearly from Simone’s memory of trying to chop Adam’s head off. “Make sure Ben is not too hard on himself? If you do not pull him out of his melancholy soon he will be lost it for sometime. We have a habit of holding grudges, even against ourselves. Till we meet again.” With a quick kiss to my brow, he is gone.

Oh! I got my cuddle!

I look back to Castle, home, hearing music. I cock my head and listen harder. Hmm. Ben? I slowly walk back into the building, enjoying the soothing soft notes. Petals? Blood red roses are scattered across the floor, a trail leading up the stairs. Ben what are you up to? I follow this trail of flowers until I reach a bedroom that escaped the fire. The petals lead up to the bed, then through an open doorway with more stairs leading up. The secondary tower, perhaps. The music comes from up there too.

On the bed is draped a risky dress, beautiful really. A gift? I strip down and put it on, luxuriating at the feel of the heavy silk on my skin. It crosses over at the front to secure my breasts and hooks around my back in a halter. Low on my hips ride the full skirts. It’s plain, cut wonderfully, and I feel sensual, womanly.

Ben is close. I smell him, and as I walk the halls of our home, his spicy scent gains strength. Is he still sulking? Upset. He blames himself for my injuries, which is bad enough, but his melancholy is infectious.

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