Chapter 9: Jude

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Jude hadn't been surprised when Callie had spilt her guts to him. He'd noticed she'd been acting strange for a weeks now but he'd also noticed how calm and peaceful she was too. 

It was as if Callie had finally become happy. He hadn't been sure whether it was to do with her adoption being finalised or something else entirely. When she had told it was because her and Brandon were together, he'd instantly known her happiness was mostly likely linked to him. He was really sad for his sister then, sad that she had fallen in love with the one person she shouldn't have. Callie didn't seem to get much luck in her life. Well not until recently but Jude guessed you couldn't have everything perfect, could you.

Take a look at his relationship with Connor. He'd found someone who loved him for him, and discovered he didn't need to be put in a box about his sexuality. And then Connor had gone away to live with his mom. How unfair was that.

Jude's family had been ever-present since he'd left. Jude had noticed an increase in the amount of times his mom asked how he was doing and Mama was always inventing little tasks for them to do together. He wasn't going to complain though, for the first time in his life he has a family that cared about his feelings, cared that he might be low and missing his boyfriend. 

He was pleased Callie had told him about Brandon, she'd kept far too many secrets from him in the past - some out of the necessity to protect him, some to protect herself. But Jude had to admit he felt like she was growing up, a strange feeling for a younger brother to have he knew. He felt she was finally realising that her actions had consequences. Jude had a bad habit of punishing his sister when she made mistakes, he didn't mean to but he hated lies and his sister often told lies. So hearing the truth from her lips meant a lot and it also meant he could give an opinion before it was too late and the family knew. Their Mom's would have to do something about it, but Jude could try and help them make a good decision. So he'd asked her to make a choice, one of them needed to go and live with their dad. He secretly hoped it would be Brandon. Although he loved his brother, he loved his sister more but he would accept their decision if it was Callie to go because he couldn't bare the thought of either of them having to go away completely.

He gave Callie and Brandon 3 days to make a decision. If they didn't, he would then tell their parents because although he loved his sister he wouldn't lie for her. Lies only brought pain and he'd had far too much pain in his life for anymore. Callie had agreed to his terms, so now it was just a waiting game for Jude. 


After speaking to Brandon in the car, Jude was back in his room getting ready to facetime with Connor. They normally spoke every other day but today was the first time since last Friday. Connor had been all weekend with a school trip, so today after school was the first opportunity. He missed Connor a lot when they didn't speak. He wasn't going to mention the Callie/Brandon situation but it was preying on his mind a lot as they only had one more day to make a decision. Tuesday night was the deadline.

Brandon had looked so nervous when coming out of school, like Jude was an explosive which could blow up any time just with a few words. Jude had felt the need to ask why Callie was so important to him, why did he love her so much? He needed to know it wasn't just Callie being in love, he needed to know that Brandon was as in love and that it was worth not telling their family. Brandon had been surprised when Jude had professed his love for him, he was sad to think Brandon  didn't think he loved him. Of course he did, that's why he was asking them to make this choice because he didn't want to lose him. He didn't want to lose anybody.

Buzzzzzzz, Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jude heard his computer go off, Connor was calling in. 'Hey Jude', Connor's beaming face appeared on the screen. He really missed that face. 'How you doing?' Connor began the conversation. 

'I'm good. Just been at school as usual and hanging out with Brandon a bit', Jude was off describing his day and the past week. Connor had been just as busy and really seemed like he was enjoying life out their with his mom. 

'I'm looking forward to visit next weekend. My mom wants to know if you're mama is still ok to pick me on friday at 6pm at the station. Dad would but he can't get off till 9pm.'

'Don't worry it's all arranged between your dad and my mama. You're gonna have tea here and he'll pick you up. Then we're going to batting cages on Saturday morning with your dad, and then go to the cinema and a meal in the afternoon with my Mom picking us up and you're gonna stay here. Then your dad is picking you up Sunday lunch to spend the afternoon with you right?' Jude wheeled off with enthusiasm, he really couldn't wait to have Connor here. Even if that meant spending time with Connor's dad, who Jude wasn't so fond of.

'Yeah sounds great Jude. Thanks for being so understanding about doing some stuff with my dad. I really mean it, I know he can be difficult but I don't want to lose him.....but he also needs to know you're not going anywhere either. I...I really love you, you know.' Jude was speechless at Connor's words. Connor loved him, it was too soon...was it? Jude could feel his heart and his head going to war. Connor was looking at him through the screen, waiting for him to say something. He looked scared. No, he didn't want his Connor to look scared, he hated that. He loved his smile, and his warm and caring heart. Jude loved everything about Connor....Jude loved Connor.....

'I love you too Connor. I really do. I miss you.' Jude finally managed to persuade the words he wanted to say out of his mouth. Jude notice Connor sigh with relief every so slightly, and the look of fear evaporated away. Jude didn't know why he panicked so much when it came to emotions. It was probably something to do with how everyone he loved seemed to leave him, he had to start trusting people and he trusted Connor more than anything. 

After they said their goodbyes, Jude sat by himself for a while. He felt sorry for Callie and Brandon. Wondering how hard it must be to keep all your I love you's in the shadows, always having to look over your shoulder before kissing the one you love. If only things weren't so complicated but they couldn't ignore their feelings, just as much as he couldn't ignore his own. Love was love. 

Poor Callie and Brandon, would they ever be happy.

A/N: I'm going to split this story up into 2 halves. This half will probably finish in a few more chapters and then there will be a time hop. I can't wait for Season 3b but where is the trailer please?? :D

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