Chapter 8: Brandon

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'What do you mean you told Jude' Brandon could hardly believe the words he just heard and the fact they were having the same kind of conversation in such a few short hours. Callie had just come to him after everyone had gone to bed, which alarmed him in the first place as it broke most of the rules they had put into place to protect them. 

'Brandon, are you awake?' she has whispered into the darkness. Of course he had replied and now they were here, she had told her brother about them.

'What exactly did you tell him Cal? Is he going to tell someone? Why?' The last question was the most important to him, because it felt like she'd once again sacrificed him for the love of something else. He wasn't sure he could handle it. 

'I'm so sorry Brandon. I had to tell him, he's my brother and if he found out from someone else he never would have forgiven me. I know it's horrible to hear but I cannot live without my brother and I just can't risk it anymore. Not if we would stand a chance, if by being together cost me my brother I would never be able to forgive myself or forgive you and we would be ruined. He had to know' Brandon felt his heart crack the smallest of slithers, he tried to ignore but it was there now. Their relationship was once again damaged, he just hoped they could heal over the wound before it grew. 

Brandon pulled Callie in for a hug 'it's okay cal, I understand. He's your brother. I understand.' She let him her hug her for a few moment before she pulled back with the saddest look on his face. 'I'm sorry Brandon but there's more. Jude's given us a choice, he says the choice is with us and he won't say anything until we decide.' 

Brandon was shocked, Jude had given them what. A choice more like an ultimatum.  'Okay let me have it. What's our choice?'.

Callie looked him in the eye and spoke very calmly, as if trying to keep her balance. He realised this was hard for her, especially as it was her fault it was coming. 'Jude says one of us must move to our dad's house for the remainder of the school year. If we're still together by then, he will support us but he says we both can't live in this house together as it's unfair to all of them and most of all it's unfair to us.'

Just when Brandon didn't think he could be more shocked by his new little brother, Jude had managed to take his breathe away and it hurt. It hurt because he knew he knew was right. Little Jude was making them face up to the truth, they couldn't live together. They couldn't for their families sake and neither could they for their relationship if it were ever to survive it needed air. The recent space they had been getting was bliss, but it wouldn't have lasted for long. Perhaps this was the best thing for them but who to go, he wasn't sure there was any room left at his dads. Brandon put his head in his hands, it was too much to think about. He needed time. Callie sat by him, and put her arms around him. 'Don't worry, we've got a few days to decide and plan so it doesn't seem too out of the blue. I'm sorry I told him. I love you, and I hope we can be together. I really do Brandon. You make my day worth living.'. Once again Brandon was reminded why he loved her so much, so that was it was it. 3 days to decide their fate. 


'Morning' Brandon called to the breakfast table, he hadn't slept well and he knew it was all over his face. He prepared for the onslaught on worry. 'Are you okay baby?' Mama called out to him from the sink, 'you don't look well. Did you sleep okay? Do you have a temperature?' 

I'm fine mama, promise. Just a bad night's sleep, nothing school won't bore out of me'. He moved swiftly to the table taking his seat, being careful to avoid looking directly at Jude. He wasn't sure he could handle the judgement or anger towards him. He spent most of breakfast quiet, with only a few moment enquiries about his health and apparent mute-ness. He almost escaped without too much bother, until his mom called out to him asking him to pick Jude up after school as everyone else was busy. 'Damn, he thought to himself, he would have to face Jude in the end. Callie gave him a sympathetic eye but didn't want to draw any attention to the fact, so walked off arm in arm with Mariana. Great a whole day worried about his kid brother grilling him.


'Hey Brandon, I'm here' Brandon has been so lost in his thoughts about facing Jude, that he'd walked straight past him. 'Oh hey Jude, you about ready?' he asked. Jude leapt up with a smile on his face and nodded. Why was Jude so happy? The car ride started off in silence, Brandon was pretty relieved he just didn't want to have to defend himself when he wasn't really sure how he could. Feelings often weren't seen as important as things like the law.

'Brandon, can I ask you a question? Jude pipped up finally. Brandon nodded, he didn't trust himself to answer out loud. 'Why do you love my sister?'. 

The car swerved slightly as Brandon turned to look at Jude in shock, did he really just ask him that. Brandon took a deep breathe, well here goes nothing.

'I love her because she makes me the best version of myself. She believes in me, my music and who I am. She's the one I need to be alright, I need to take care of her because she take cares of me. She completes me. She is amazing, why wouldn't I love her.

'That's all I needed to hear', Jude stated matter of factly. 'what?' Brandon couldn't help himself.

'I just needed to know you really loved her, and me not telling our parents is because you're fighting for something real not something forbidden. I really hope you love each other enough to make the right choice, but I won't make it for you. I do love you Brandon and I want the best for you too.'

Suddenly Brandon realised he had a brother he loved and he didn't want to disappoint him either. He would move out, it was the only way. He would prove to jude he loved her and he deserved her.

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