Chapter 7: I'll stand by you.

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"Ma'am we have come to the decision to release you the officer said as another removed her hand-cuffs.

"Let this be a warning to you, Miss. You're very lucky charges have not been pressed on you" he finished off as his hands crossed over behind his back.

I watched as she went to the desk to fill out her details. I glanced straight at the clock 5:28AM I'd been here for over 5 hours looking out for the person who hates me out of most and every person I know.

But I guess it was worth it, I guess this was just my idea of trying to avoid pain and conflict back at home, I couldn't face going back there right now.

She picked up her now ruined Chanel bag and looked at me with the faintest smile as she waited for me to follow her outside.

She looked up at me her small brown eyes twinkling, her lip slowly quivered as words escaped her mouth.

"Thank you." She said almost crying, she pulled me into a tight hug - she smelt of beer, and ciggs and weed.

I smiled as she let go and walked across the dark streets with me.


It was about 6:00AM now, I was trying hard to avoid home so I took Angel to different places around town, we grabbed some Coffee and snacks as we headed outside.

"So, when will we go to your house?" She mumbled as her mouth was full of jelly beans.

I pretended I didn't hear what she said, and went into my "day-dream mode".

"Do you still zone out into daydream mode?" She said chuckling and siping her coffee.

I nodded she was obviously right, since I was 2 years old I'd have this thing where I'll zone out for at-least 5 mins. Weird, I know.

"So, when will we?" She said throwing the question right in my face. No, literally right in my face, a jelly bean went flying and hitting me right in the forehead.

"Oh, gosh I am so sorry! She said as she wiped my head with a paper towel.

I nodded and quickly chuckled kinda brushing it off.

"We'll go there soon, don't you worry" I said rolling my eyes. She probably did this on purpose! She must of known about Jayden and I, must be doing this just to get me to see him when I honestly don't want to. I sighed as we walked down my dreaded road, walking up the side of my long marble driveway as she followed behind sipping her large coffee.

I rang the doorbell, waiting on an answer my stomach churned at the thought of this.

No answer.

Thank the lord! I sat on the step as she sat beside me, the door-latch turned and pulled open as a male figure stood there. We both spun our heads around.

"Hi." Mark spoke out as he looked down at us both, I quickly stood up as he held the door open for us.

I smiled faintly at him.

"Where's Jayden?" I said as calmly as I possibly could, I didn't want to punch anyone in the mouth right now so I kept my hands tied behind my back.

"Dunno, he said he'll be back home in about...." he checked his watch. "10 minutes from now." he said still glancing at his gold watch.

I nodded my head, pushing Angel to climb up the stairs, they were long with a few bends which was one thing I loved about this house!

We reached the top of the stairs and I pushed the door to our huge bedroom open, the window was open allowing the cream curtains to slighty and calmly sway back and forth. I turned over to see Angel, smiling. But a smile which showed "My bathroom is bigger than this room" but she didn't actually say that.

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