Chapter 3 - If this is love, then love completes me.

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I shut the front door behind me, me and Jayden walked down the road and we saw Louise and Bonnie, I shouted their names for their attention and they came running towards us.

'Hey, guys!'

'Hey!' We all began to walk and I could hear the music blaring from the high-street.

As we reached, we stood in-front of a huge house with black metal fences around it, we all walked through to the open front door.

The music was so loud the house was so big!, you couldn't even hear anyone talking, this party was so chaotic, people drinking, smoking, twerking gross it was just not my thing at all. I was quite un-comfartable, although I was used to most of it..

Louise and Bonnie had gone to get some drinks, and I looked at the stairs which was barried up, I looked over to Jayden and grabbed his arm while sneaking upstairs there were about 8 rooms up here! I pushed a door open to see about 3 couples, sucking each other's face off I quickly shut the door, awkward... we went into another room which was further down the corridor and shut the door, I flicked on the light and we sat on the double bed.

Louise's P.O.V. 

I walked into the kitchen, and reached over to the fridge for a Blue bottle of WKD and popped it open, Bonnie was in the corner making out with some guy, I sat up on the table and downed the WKD.

I watched in disgust as Angel came walking from the Arcade room, she looked like a slag! haha! She was wearing bum shorts (shorts going up her bum) and a sequin bra top, gross she was such a slut. She came walking over and everyone made way, her eyes narrowed to me and she walked over.

'Well, hi there..Louise'

'Mm, hi'

'You came alone?'

I looked up at her and took the bottle away from my lips 'No, I didn't'

'Oh, you came with Mollie?'

I nodded 'and Jayden' I put the bottle back up to my lips and drank the rest.

'Oh, really I was expecting them! Where are they?'

''I don't know! Why are you asking me so many questions, ugh' I  took another bottle I found beside me, and she snatched it off me.

"If you're going to drink my drinks I suggest you have some respect or leave MY house, ok?'

Oh, shit this was her house I felt like a complete twat! She gave me back the bottle and walked off upstairs in her black studded heels, I scowled and drank the WKD.

Mollie's P.O.V

We were laying on the bed, he took the strays of hair from my face and put it behind my ear I smiled  and kissed him, he bit my lip  and I laughed he began to tickle me and the door knob turnt and flew  open, Angel stood there and Jayden and I quickly sat up.

"Oh, sorry to interupt you two! I wanted everyone to come downstairs for food! And I thought my stairs were barried up?'

I hesitated and turnt to Jayden who was trying to get up.

'I'm really sorry Angel, I didn't know this was your party...' I looked at Jayden and mumbled 'I thought you were supposed to take my mind off her! Not bring me to her party!' He smirked and we walked downstairs, Angel was pulling flirty looks at him and I grabbed Jayden's wrist and ran downstairs. 

People were beginning to leave so soon, the party seemed dead also, there was a group of drunk girls and amongst them was Louise I let go of Jayden's wrist and grabbed Louise she was drunk..very drunk.

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