Chapter 1: I need you more than anything.

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Mollie's P.O.V

I sat up on my bed, pulling the laptop from the window sill and placing it onto my lap, I opened it up. I waited as my laptop instantly logged me in and directed me to the start page, I tapped into Google Chrome and checked into Facebook.

I browsed through Facebook and came across Angel - let me just tell you a little about her. She was my best friend, you know the qualities of a friend, caring, trustworthy yeah all of that. I thought I could trust her, tell her everything...everything that was happening at home with Mum being an alcoholic and being abused by my dad before we ran away and all, But I guess she had to go blab it off to all the kids in school, let's just say that that was my LAST day of school..since that day I've never returned and I never will. Just when I thought my days of bullying was over, I was too wrong. I'm a victim of cyber-bullying, and almost everyone knows about it, but doesn't care. There's day's where I just cry myself to sleep.

I could feel a tear trickle from my eye, and quickly wiped it away as I heard the door knob turn.

'Hey, sis we need to talk..' Becky mumbled. Becky was my sister she understood everything it was as if she was my 'mum' the mum I've always wanted. She was 21 now, and was supposed to be going off studying at uni but instead she stayed to comfort me as she knew what mother would do to me.

'What is it?' I pulled a grin across my face and stared into her serious eyes.

'I just want you to understand, I need to graduate..get a job and support you'

'Er, well yeah I know....what's your point?' I was so confused, I looked up at her as I slowly got off the bed, walkng towards her maintaining the grin on my face.

'Mollie, I need to go away for a few months, years to support us... you know I've always wanted to do this, it's just for 2 years, you know I'm the only one who can do it. I promise I'll come back!'

Her hand rested upon my cheek, she stroked it gently in order to wipe away my tears, which I tried not to force out of my eyes she pulled me in for a hug and I swung my arms around her letting my tears flow. I really couldn't believe this. I let go of her, nodding my head and sat back my on my bed as she left the room her eyes sharply watching me.

Mum still wasn't back home, would she have even cared about Becky leaving? Bad question. I grabbed my laptop and logged out, I decided it was time for a walk, I hadn't left the house in a while now, so why not? I hopped off the bed and opened the double-doored wardrobe I grabbed some simple clothing my hollister track-suit and my white converses, I quickly threw them on not even realising the door was open but grabbed my sandy satchel anyways. I ran up to the bathroom to fix my make-up, I released my hair from my messy bun and carefully did my make-up perfectly! I yelled goodbye to Becky, and left for the door. Mm, what a record. 8 minutes and 13 seconds.

I slid my hands into my pocket, and walked down the road past Appletown High-school, this was my school, I remember it being a 2 min journey and I'd wake up 10 mins before school started. It looked as if it was the ending to the school day, as I saw everyone leaving the building this is where my pace sped up, I sped-walked faster looking down at the ground until I crashed into someone I looked up...

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