Chapter 29

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Callie emerged from the walk-in closet after changing her clothes, to find Nico awake and sitting up. "Hi, sleepy head," she greeted him, making her way over to sit on the bed. "I'm sorry about earlier. I'd no idea you were the voice I heard, or that you were the wolf for that matter. How do you feel now?"

"Truthfully, I'm a little sore," he admitted. "I'm fine, really." He added at her troubled look. "I hurt more after a workout with Chris and Mike, it's no big deal."

She patted his knee through the duvet. "Thank you for trying to make me feel better. Now come on, get your butt up and out of my bed. It's almost dinner time and I think the cook's making venison stew for you guys."

He threw the duvet off and stood to unashamedly expose his nakedness.

Callie gasped and turned her head away. "For pity's sakes, Nico. Warn me next time. I really don't want an eyeful."

"Sorry, I forgot how prudish you Irish are. This is nothing, you should see it back home. Practically everyone walks around naked half the time." He chuckled at her shocked look. "If we change forms when we're dressed, the clothes we have on tear, so we get naked first. The clothes just don't magically appear back on you know." He wrapped the sheet around his hips. "Besides you're my mate so you may as well get used to seeing me like this. You'll be seeing a lot more of it."

"What? Mate? Huh...You've lost me. Did I miss something?" Callie asked, stupefied. "What do you mean I'm your mate?"

He sniggered at her horrified expression. "Ah come on, it's not that bad. Look, you're obviously not an alpha, so that means you must be my mate." When she still looked confused, he explained, "You can hear me when I'm in wolf form and you made me shift. Only an alpha or a mate can do that."

"But Sam said I was his mate. No offence, but I don't really think of you like..." She pointed at them both alternately. "Like, you that."

"Before last night we didn't know one another so that's not surprising. I've heard of worse cases where mates actually hated each other before they bonded. Personally, I love the idea of us, and after last night I'm rather looking forward to your supper time." He bounced his eyebrows leeringly at her, and then burst out laughing when she blushed.

"I'm still not jumping into bed with you just because you think I'm your mate. I'd rather you didn't walk about naked either please... I'm dating Sam anyway."

"I don't mind sharing," he said with a grin.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Get dressed and come down for dinner. I'll save you bowl of stew." She left the room in a hurry, pausing only to call the apprentice witch's diary to her hand as she passed the dresser.

Instead of going directly to the kitchen, Callie made her way up one floor to the bedroom where Sam was staying during his recovery. After knocking gently, she entered to find Mike holding a straw that poked out the top of a blood bag, to Sam's lips.

Mike removed the straw from Sam's mouth and got up from the bed. "I'll give you a minute, but don't expect too much conversation. His vocal cords haven't healed enough yet." He paused on his way out the door. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

"Thanks," She called over her shoulder. Sitting on the bed, she leant forward to brush a gentle kiss to Sam's forehead. He was sitting up a little crooked but his eyes were open and he managed a slight twist of his lips in greeting. "You're looking a little better since the last time I saw you. Sidney reckons it must have been my witch blood that did this to you. I'm so sorry."

He moved his hand slowly to touch hers and gave it light squeeze in understanding. "Not...your... fault," he managed to croak out.

"Don't talk or you'll hurt yourself." She squeezed his hand in response. "I'd like to try healing you. I'm not as strong as Adie, but it might help. Is that okay? Just nod."

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now