The End of It All

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 Michael Peters exited the elevator, and onto the office floor. It was a crispy autumn morning. The sun was shining through the windows. Michael's co-workers were either chatting, eating breakfast, or getting some coffee. But, not Michael.

 He wrapped his jacket around himself, concealing the semi-automatic gun he had hidden in his pocket. A few people glanced at him, but paid no serious attention to him as he crossed the office floor. Michael just went to his office without a word and closed the door quietly. He then shut all the blinds and sat at he desk. He took a deep breath. Michael thought of an attack plan. 'Go around the outside, round everyone up. End them quickly and get the hell out.' Michael pulled out the gun and stared at it for a long time.

 Finally, Michael rose from his desk and walked to the door. He then, slowly opened it. He began firing at his co-workers, a determined look on his face. People screamed as they ducked under their desks and coward as he walked past, rounding others up. 

 After a while he got everyone to the middle and began shooting them one at a time in the head. Michael heard the elevator ding and he pointed the gun towards the doors. Once it opened he shot at the person standing there. They dropped to the ground. The person was a woman. She had dark brown hair. No, it couldn't be.. "Ravenna!!!" Michael shouted and ran to her limp body. "No no no no... Hun, wake up.. Please.." He petted her hair and held her close to his chest. He looked at the gun in his hand and to the surviving people behind him. "I'm so sorry... " A tear fell down his cheek as he held the gun under his chin, he held Ravenna in his arms as he pulled the trigger... 

                                                                The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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