Chapter Nine: Awakening

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Chapter 9: Ambassadors These Days

Two weeks later

“Where is she?” Sebastian yelled at Curtis, Curtis had been avoiding contact with them for weeks since Jez went on the ship.

“I don’t know. She went on the SS Lacrimosa, her ear piece shut down and so did her camera. I have no idea where she is.” Curtis defended himself against the hatred.

“Get her back here.” Sebastian slammed his hand down on the counter and threw all the papers around the room.

“Someone get him a pacifier.” Jez stood in the door way, in the same clothes as when she left. Her clothes had been lost on the first day and so had most of her guns. She was covered in blood, there was not one bit of skin that wasn’t covered in blood. Her hair was mangled and there was a gash in her bottom lip.

“Jez.” Sebastian ran to her, she put a hand up and halted him “What’s wrong?”

Jez was fighting for breath “I need help.” Jez gasped at last. Sebastian looked down at her and realized she was clutching her heart.

“Oh God,” Curtis was starting to hyperventilate “Her heart, it’s stopping.” Sebastian caught her as she collapsed forward. “It’s made of Black Bleata, there is nothing that can start it if it stops.”

Sebastian placed his hand on her heart “Almost nothing.” Blue light gathered around his hand and began to pulse around her chest, he began to hum a spell under his voice so Curtis couldn’t hear the words. Jez gasped but did not open her eyes.

“How did you do that?” Curtis was breathing loudly enough to wake up the entire house. Above them Sebastian could hear the patter of feet along the landing. Sebastian scooped her off the floor and began to run her to her room, he passed Bo along the way, who followed him as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Sebastian lay her on her bed and brushed the hair out her face “Bo, please go a tub of water and flannel.” His eyes probed her face, his dark iris’s shimmering violently as his concern was brimming.

When Jez awoke next she was staring at the ceiling of her bedroom wondering how it was she got here. The last thing she remembered was looking into the dark, cloudy mist listening to thud of pounding drums in her ears as the ship was torn apart. Jez sat up and her head span “You’re awake!” Curtis yelled, making her head pound.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Jez hissed at him and rubbed her head “Shhh.” Jez got out of bed and watched the room spin around.

“What happened? No, never mind. We can talk about that later. There is a meeting between the Ambassadors this afternoon and you need to be there to give evidence again Ambassador Conrad and warn Ambassador Cross about the war."

"I still don't care about the war." Jez walked to the bathroom and sat on the shower floor and let the water pound on her already soar skin. “Well, can’t say that wasn’t fun.”

"What?" Curtis protested "You made love to his son! You have to care about the war now."

"No I don't." Jez grunted slouched against the shower wall. "I'm going to rest. I am tired.”

"Why?" Curtis laughed "You made it out alive, you’ll be fine” He sounded frantic, “Jez you could end the war before anyone gets hurt.”

"Be quite, I’m not going.” Jez stood up and knocked the shower tap off. It was four o’clock in the morning and for some reason she was awake enough to want Sebastian by her side. “Where is Sebastian?”

"You are such a school girl." Curtis laughed “Please Jez, I am begging you to go to this.”

"I don't like the Ambassadors. They’re pompous, arrogant and self involved." Jez moaned as she angrily pulled clothes against her wet skin.

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