As Long As You're Here (A Hansel and Gretel Story)

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Hey guys, and thank you for reading As Long As You're Here! I know, the chapters are, and will be, quite short, because stupid Wattpad makes the pages smaller :/ Hahaha, anyway, to make up for it, I upload everyday. If I miss a day, it's because I'm dead. JUST JOKING! xD But let me know, and I'll upload ASAP. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!





Once upon a time, on the edge of a great forest, there lived a poor woodcutter with his two children. His wife, the mother of his children, died a few months after their birth. She was kidnapped, and found a week later, brutally murdered. The woodcutter was devastated, but knew he had to care for his twins, named Hansel and Gretel, so he carried on, cutting wood to build his home, and hunting animals to feed them. He often brought the children out with him, and he could be heard cooing,

‘Don’t despair, my darling children, I can provide for us all. And when you grow big and strong, dear Hansel, you will be a fine hunter, and you, sweet Gretel, will be a beautiful young maiden, and will marry the finest man in the land.’

They lived a quite happy life, with Hansel taking an interest in hunting, and Gretel in cooking. Then, the day after the twins turned three, the woodcutter took them out hunting. As he set his traps, he heard a desperate cry. He stood, and looked around. He saw a beautiful lady, stumbling through the woods towards him. He ran to greet her.

‘My beautiful lady! Why are you here, stumbling through the woods? This is a dangerous place, and there are many things that wish you dead,’ he said, concern filling his voice.

‘Oh, kind sir, I went to collect some berries from the woods for supper, and I was chased by a bear! I have been running for hours, and I am terribly hungry,’ said the maiden, visibly distressed.

‘You are welcome to stay at my home. Please come. And my name is Carlyle. May I ask of yours?’

‘Thank you so much, Carlyle. I am Sereine.’

Carlyle collected his children, who greeted Sereine politely, and set off home. He, with the help of Gretel, made supper for Sereine, who ate graciously. She then went to the guest room, where she fell asleep. The twins were excited about this new lady, hoping she would stay with them. But they had no idea what was coming.

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