And They Lived Happily Ever After (8)

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I'm kind of sad now :'( It's over! Oh well, I hope you enjoy this, the last chapter! xD


Weeks went by, and there was no sign of Hansel and Gretel’s return. After three weeks, Carlyle gave up, and accepted that his children were dead. Sereine was over the moon, cheerful and happy. Then one day, four weeks after Hansel and Gretel were deserted, Sereine caught Carlyle crying in his bedroom.

‘Why on earth are you crying?’ Sereine asked worriedly. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Uh, nothing,’ Carlyle said hurriedly, wiping away the tears.

‘You were thinking about Hansel and Gretel again, weren’t you?’ she cried angrily. ‘What is wrong with you? First Arielle, now them! Thank god I didn’t torture Gretel like Arielle or you would hav-‘ she stopped abruptly, realizing what she had just said.

‘What?’ Carlyle asked slowly.

‘Uh, I-I’m just so sick of you going on about them, is all,’ she said quickly.

‘No, you said ‘Thank god I didn’t torture Gretel like Arielle’. What the hell does that mean!?’

‘Are you really going to accuse me of killing her? Seriously?’ Sereine said, smoothing out her composure.

‘Sereine… Did… you… kill… Arielle?’ Carlyle asked, shaking with rage.


Carlyle slapped her. His fury boiled over the edge, and he snapped. He punched her in the face, and then rushed to the tool shed to grab his knife. He slowly walked towards Sereine, who was cowering in fear in the corner of her bedroom.

‘Please, baby! You don’t have to do this!’ she whimpered.

Carlyle stopped. ‘I’m not your baby,’ he said, and then he leaned down, and slashed her chest open. She screamed out in pain, and writhed on the floor. He held her down, and stabbed her through the heart. As he watched her die, he realised it was all a lie. All of it. And the love he once felt for Sereine, washed away. He grabbed Sereine’s body, and took it out into the woods. He figured if he left it there, a bear or a wolf would eat it. He staggered back into the now empty house, sank down into the lounge, and bawled. He realised that he was now alone. He went into the garden, and made a gravestone for his children.

He slept horribly that night, tossing and turning with dreams of death and decay. He went on like that for a few more days, sobbing his heart out. Then one day, when he fell asleep on the lounge, he heard voices. Children’s voices. His heart filled with hope as he ran to the door, swung it open, and saw his children running towards him. They threw themselves around his neck, and Carlyle cried again, only this time, he cried out of happiness.

‘Your stepmother is dead. You are with me now, my dear children!’ he wept. Then Hansel and Gretel started shaking out their pockets. Pearls and precious stones fell out of Gretel’s, and Hansel threw handfuls of gold coins. They also carried a large basket filled with food.

‘Look father!’ they cried. ‘We’re rich now! You’ll never have to chop wood again and we’ll never be hungry again!’

                                                            And they lived happily ever after.

                                                                               The End.


The End! Thank you so much to everyone who's followed this story! I love you all! xD

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