A Happy Ending? Maybe Not... (7)

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Hey guys! So sorry I took so long to upload, I've been SUPER busy with school work :/ So, to make up for it, I've made this chapter longer xD Oh, and this is the second last chapter, so enjoy!


Carlyle decided to be lenient on Gretel and allowed her to join them on her birthday. Sereine, on the other hand, was not pleased. She was adamant that Gretel should be punished for embarrassing her in public. But Carlyle said that it was the first time Gretel had done anything wrong, and she had shown so much remorse over it, that Carlyle eventually softened. So, on the twins’ ninth birthday, they went into town to the zoo. It was a fantastic day, they saw every exhibit, and Hansel and Gretel even got to ride on the back of an elephant! Carlyle was happy, because the twins were the happiest he’d seen them ever since he told them about Arielle. Sereine, was less that happy, and was moping all day. Eventually, Carlyle snapped, and told her to go off shopping if she was so bored.

They went on like this for another three years, Hansel and Gretel maturing and learning, Carlyle becoming more and more impatient with Sereine, and Sereine just being angry at the world. Because, although Carlyle, Hansel and Gretel were all a big, happy family, it meant that she didn’t have any chances to drive a stake between them, and finally tear them apart. Then, her chance came. A great famine spread across the land. Food became scarce, so more and more men went into the woods, hunting the rabbits, birds and bears. It soon became rare to catch more then five rabbits a week. Then, Sereine snapped.

‘There is not enough food in the house for us all. There are too many mouths to feed! We must get rid of the two brats,’ she declared.

‘What? Those ‘brats’ you refer to are my, OUR children! How can you be so cruel?’

This went on for weeks, until one night…

‘Carlyle, baby, I’ve figured it out,’ Sereine said excitedly

‘Figured what out?’ he sighed.

‘I know why you’re so sad about Arielle all the time! It’s because of Hansel and Gretel! I mean, Gretel is a splitting image of her, and Hansel obviously reminds you of her! If we got rid of them, we could start a new family, just you and me!’ Sereine coaxed.

Carlyle thought this over. And, it was true. They did remind him of Arielle. Gretel looked like her, and Hansel had the same personality.

‘I, I guess you’re right,’ Carlyle admitted.

Delight lit Sereine’s face. ‘Yes! Now you see! If we are to be rid of them, we can finally be happy together!’

Ha, killing two birds with one stone,Sereine thought gleefully.

‘Okay. But what do you want me to do with them? I couldn’t kill them.’

‘Then just take them into the forest, deep. Then ditch them. They’ll never be able to find their way back. Either someone will find them, and give them a new home, or they’ll die. Either way, we’ll be better off,’ Sereine said, joy clearly present in her voice. Finally, her plan was working out for the better!

‘I guess I could do that. Tomorrow?’

‘Yes! Thank you, for finally seeing sense! Now, I’m tired, so leave. Goodnight.’

‘Goodnight honey.’

Carlyle walked to his room, the weight of his decision sinking heavily on his chest. Tomorrow, he would be rid of his children. Tomorrow, he and Sereine would be alone, together. But was that what he really wanted?

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