Expect the Unexpected

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Yesterday Danny asked me if I could meet him at the park. I replied with a yes. And so went and my parents that I was going to the park and then I saw him. He was sitting on a bench. He look different, like if something was wrong. I sat down next to him and asked him if everything was ok.
He didn't reply.
We sat in silence.
He shed a tear. I quickly comforted him . I told him he could tell me anything at anytime and that I will always be there for him.
He finally answered me.
It was an answer I didn't expect.
His mother passed away.
I again comfort him.
Our faces were a few inches apart.
He leaned closer....and closer.
I could back away, but I decided not to.
We kissed.
I had my first kiss.
It was a moment I would never forget.

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