Danny's House

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We both were extremely excited! I had made a friend that I knew I could trust. I just hoped he felt the same. The day went on and we finished the assignment. He said that we work great together. I blushed...thankfully he didn't notice. Later Danny's little sister came along. He said that she was annoying but she seemed nice. Her name was Lauren. She looked so much like him obviously they were siblings. They both reminded me of someone, but I didn't know who.
Me: Hi Lauren!
Lauren: Hello, is this the Evelyn you've been talking about all week Danny boy?
Danny: What...no...maybe...I mean NO ;The imagination these kids have these days, right?!!?
Me: Sure?
I was confused. Was he talking about me? In my mind a wished but I said to myself that couldn't have been me.
Later I met his father......he was Patrick?! I was in shock...I acted as I would...nicely and polite. I told Patrick that I really loved his band and music.
He asked if I wanted him to sign something. I obviously said yes and he was a good guy. The next day I meet Danny in the park, but something was wrong.

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