Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer PJO/HoO

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Demigod Choir- You know Percy and Jason and Piper and Hazel,
Leo and Frank Zhang and Annabeth and Reyna
But the you recall
The most angry half-blood of them all?

Nico the brooding half-blood
Had a very tortured past
And if you ever heard it
You'd be sorry that you'd asked

All of the other half-bloods
Used to run and stay away
They never let poor Nico
Have a chance for him to stay

Then one gruesome, deadly war
Solace came to say,
"Nico, no more death magic
Gods, why are you so thick?"

Then all the half-bloods liked him
As Reyna hugged him on stage,
Nico, the brooding half-blood
Found a home and killed his rage!

Song: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
By: I honesty have no idea but it ain't mine
Fandom: PJO/ HoO
By: Rick Riordan
Lyrics: The one, the only, the awkward, me
This song is bad, isn't it? I WANT TRIALS OF APOLLO SO BAD BECAUSE SOLANGELO. OMGS I need it. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TRIALS OF APOLLO IS THEN PLEASE LOOK IT UP IF YOU ARE PART OF THIS FANDOM. Please no hate. Thanks. Vote, comment, share, eat candy canes.

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