I'll Make A Man Out of You PJO/HoO

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Zeus- Let's go to Camp Half-Blood to defeat Gaea
Dionysus- I'll get the demigods who will win our war
Hera- They're the ones I've chosen to complete the test
Athena- And let's bet before their through
Gods- Children, we'll make a god out of you

Ares- Ready as a soldier
Hephaestus- Takes on fire within
Aphrodite- I'll design the armor!
Artemis- Will it help them win?
Apollo- Their a nerdy, weird, and wimpy crew
Hades- Just see what they've been through
Gods- We will make a great god out of you

Percy- We've got to hurry up, Annabeth
Nico- Looks like no one truly knows me
Frank- Hey look, an animal part that is my limb!
Annabeth- I'll try, busy escaping death!
Leo- Too bad my friends will loose me...
Piper- No, we've come too far to start being so grim!

Demigods- Be a god!
Athena- They must be smart as a high school textbook
Demigods- Be a god!
Hera- With all the skills of Olympians
Demigods- Be a god!
Hermes- With all the speed of a cheetah-leopard
Ares- Even tougher than the fiercest of the winds

Zeus- Don't have that much longer till Dirt Face arrives
Hera- Gather all the fighters who will claim the prize
Hermes- Lets hope they know what they're fighting for
Dionysus- The times up, nothing to loose
Gods- How will we make a god out of you?

Demigods- Be a god!
Athena- They must be smart as a high school textbook
Demigods- Be a god!
Hera- With all the skills of Olympians
Demigods- Be a god!
Hermes- With all the speed of a cheetah-leopard
Ares- Even tougher than the fiercest of the winds

Demigods- Be a god!
Athena- They must be smart as a high school textbook
Demigods- Be a god!
Hera- With all the skills of Olympians
Demigods- Be a god!
Hermes- With all the speed of a cheetah-leopard
Ares- Even tougher than the fiercest of the winds

Song: I'll Make a Man Out of You
From: Disney's Mulan
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus
By: Rick Riordan
So I recently watched this movie again and could not get this song out of my head for the freaking life of me, so I decided to use it in my book. I also thought that it's cool and all using the Seven and other characters from HoO and all, but how freaking awesome would it be if the gods sang a song about getting the campers ready for war? Answer: PRETTY FREAKING AWESOME. I loved writing it with the Olympians, perhaps more will be on their way? Please vote, comment, share, etc.

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