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This is how it works people. If you have a suggestion, please submit the following:
-Song name
-Song's owner
-Fandom name
-Fandom owner
I can write Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Lorien Legacies, Divergent, Mortal Instruments, Doctor Who, Hunger Games and My Little Pony. If you have any suggestions for me to read or listen to, please suggest. I always look forward to new things. Remember guys; I'm counting on YOU to write this book. If you enjoy the songs, then comment! If not, then leave a comment anyway so I can do the song/fandom YOU want! Thanks!
Oh yeah.
-Harry Potter was written by J.K Rowling
-Percy Jackson was written by Rick Riordan
-Heroes of Olympus was written by Rick Riordan
-Divergent was written by Veronica Roth
-Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins
-My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by DXH Media/ Hasbro/ Kid's Discovery
-Doctor Who: BBC
-Mortal Instruments: Cassandra Clare
-Lorien Legacies: Pittacus Lore

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