Chapter 1

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               I jumped out of bed at exactly 5:30 AM without any hesitation. Before my classes I make sure to stretch and do some conditioning work to keep my muscles strong. I’ve been enrolled in New York School of Preforming Arts for almost a year now and had been hoping for a perfect Broadway opportunity to roll my way.

I touched my dirty tan carpet with my nose wile in a center split. My apartment isn’t the cleanest or the nicest in New York, but it seemed a lot better then the dorm rooms at my college. Especially since I usually shared it with Chloe, who was attending the Joffrey School of Ballet, and for the following week was on a vacation with her family in Puerto Rico.

I stretched my arm over my head and leaned to one side. While my eyes were currently at the same level as a table, where all of my makeup and hair supplies lies, I looked at the pictures all put into matching white frames. The first one showed Chloe and me in Time Square next to a woman dressed up as Lady Liberty. The second was of my entire family from the Thanksgiving before last. The third had Miss Abby hugging me after I won first in one of my jazz solos, over 5 years ago. And finally the picture of Chloe, Maddie, and I. We’re all in our matching pink Abby Lee Dance Company jackets in front of our former dance studio. The picture was taken the day before I left for college and a week before Maddie headed out to Los Angeles.

Maddie was originally going to attend New York School of Preforming Arts with me, but over the summer she landed a part in a big dance movie that she just couldn’t pass up. Besides, Melissa already had Maddie’s bags packed seconds after she received the call. She’s planning on joining Chloe and me in New York next year. Even though Melissa probably wants to Maddie to stay in sunny L.A. and continue her success we all know a Broadway stage has always been her dream.

After I’m fully stretched I get ready and slip into one of my many black leotards, which I paired with a bright pink lace skirt I take strands of my hair and French Braid them towards the back of my head then pull all of my hair back into a high ponytail. I grab a bowl of fruit and a carton of yogurt from my poor excuse for a refrigerator and mix them together in a small bowl. While scarfing down my breakfast I gathered all of my things, placed them in a large black bag, and slid myself into my jacket, which just happened to match my skirt.

When I checked my phone for messages, particularly from Chloe who was supposed to call me when her flight landed, I noticed the time at the top of the screen. My eyebrows jumped up to my hairline and I sprinted out the door. When I exited the building I’m greeted by a blaring horn from a nearby taxi driver and a call from Chloe.

“Hey Chlo thanks for finally calling! I thought your plane landed two hours ago.”

Sorry Kendall it got delayed! But I’m willing to forgive and forget the airport because this place is freaking beautiful! Oh – wait a minute – my mom says ‘Hi’.”

I giggle then try to shout “Hey Christi!” through the bottom of my phone.

“God, I can barely hear you. When I left New York did the traffic double or did the taxi drivers get meaner?”

“I’m pretty sure they just got new - ” another taxi screamed at me from across the road “- definitely louder horns.”

I heard her laughing then Clara in the background asking, “Chloe what’s so funny?”

“Gotta love the city!” Chloe proclaimed after her explosion of laughs had come to a closing.

            “Can you somehow telepathically transport me to Puerto Rico with you! I’m sick of this cold New York weather. At least in Pittsburg there was enough snow on the ground, and enough ground in general, to make a snowman or some kind of fort. Remember the snowball fights we used to have at the Hyland’s house!”

            “Yes! Those were the best! Oh hey speaking of the Hylands, have you talked to Paige lately? I know she was up for a part in a commercial for some type of cleaning supplies and I was wondering if she got it.”

            “I meant to call her last night but I completely forgot! I’ll have to do it after class, which is where I need to be right now and I’m kind of super late so I’ll call you later!”      

            “Then get your butt in there! I promise I won’t have to much fun without you!” and with that she was gone, probably to go work on her tan on some foreign beach. So lucky!

            Once I entered the building I speed walked to my first class. I slid through a crack in the door and walked into Miss Fountaine’s classroom. It wasn’t much of a classroom, but more like a studio. Mirrors lined the walls except for one, which was head to toe windows. The floor was, in my opinion, perfect, especially for turning.

            I put my bag in the corner with the others and quickly took off my flats and replaced them with bands that go around my feet, to help with the turns. Other then the bands my feet were naked, which reminded me to paint my nails when I got home. My light purple polish was slowly chipping away on both of my feet and my hands, which were in much worse shape.

            I tried to slyly creep in and hopefully fade in among the rest of the group, who were, at the moment, being lectured by Miss Fountaine, for reasons I’m not quite sure of.

            “Miss Vertes!” She called out, leading to all eyes on me.

            Just when I was about to prepare myself for a speech about tardiness followed by 100 push-ups or another form of punishment, a smile appeared on her face.

            “Finally, a student who can do a proper attitude turn! Perhaps you can show your idle minded classmates how one is properly done.”

            I heavily exhaled then a smile, matching hers, found its way to my face. I moved to the center of the room and, while Miss Fountaine shouted, “Marvelous! That’s the way it’s done!” and clapped, I span like a top. Just like Miss Abby taught me. 

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