Harrys pov

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I rolled out of bed. I still don't know who was in my bed last night but i don't really care anymore. I put on a shirt and walked down stairs. I came down to a worried Kate and Louis. "Have you seen Zarah" Kate asked and Louis was on his phone. "Umm... Not since she came back, why" I said. Her name felt like daggers in my heart, maybe it was just the hang over I'm having though. I walked past them and into the kitchen. " this is serious Harry" Louis said, turning me around. "She's gone missing. She came her last night... You were drunk weren't you" he said, his voice raising. "I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HER AGAIN IN A DRUNKEN RAGE HARRY"he said angerely. "What are you talking about" I asked angerely. Wtf was he talking about, I thought to my self as I felt a fist come in contact with my face. Sedona came down the stairs. "LOUIS NO" she screamed and ran over to him. "STOP" she screamed as he punched me more. He punched me in the face, cutting my lip. Then again in the eyes. Then another time in my stomach, my ribs cracked. He finally stopped. I slowly got up. "What the hell mate" I said in a low growl as I walked out side. I decided to go to nialls house because he would under stand. When I got there, I sat down on his porch. I didn't hit her again, I swear. I decided to call her. It rang a few times before some one answered. "Hello" my voice was weak. "Harry" she said, her voice weaker. She was strangely quiet. "W-what so you want Harry" she spat, still quiet. "I just want to know, what happened last night." I asked putting my head in my hands. "Nothing. We just cuddled" she said and then I heard a male voice in the back round. "Coming" she said and then said. Then she said , bye Harry and hung up. So she was the mystery woman in my bed last night. That explains the Vanilla scent in my bed. Whatever, not like I care. I then went into nialls house.

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