Chapter 7 - New Year, Same Story

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(Part 2)

I’ve been living with Anna and her family for the past 2 weeks, and it’s not too bad I don’t really talk

much anymore. I kind of became withdrawn, I feel bad but it’s like I’m in a blackout trying to turn on the

lights. I feel bad but I don’t know how to get myself out of this black hole, I know I should be happy that

I am away from my mother. Yet happy is the one emotion I don’t feel, I should be home taking care of

her. She needs me, she might get sick and no one will know because I’m not there! God this has to be

the most depressed I have ever been but I guess on the bright side I get to see my baby every day.

School starts tomorrow and I have no idea how I’m going to get through another year in that hell hole.

It’s late and I need to get up in the morning so until tomorrow.

1st day of 8th grade –

We all had to report to the auditorium for orientation, I don’t get why we’ve all been here for like 7

years now. Whatever at least I get out 1st and 2nd period, so that means no math and science for

today. My schedule this year blows I really want you guys to see this check out the classes I have and

the order. I feel like I pissed someone off and they decided it would be a sick joke to do this to me, but

anyways here’s my schedule.

Period 1 Honors Math

Period 2 Honors Science

Period 3 Music Appreciation/Gym

Period 4 Advanced History

Period 5 Spanish level 2

Period 6 Lunch

Period 7 Drama/Art

Period 8 Advanced English

Period 9 Study Hall/Sex education

You see this shit who can function with science and math 1st thing in the morning. I sure as hell can’t

think that early in the morning, and why the hell do I need sex education I’ve been fucking for years.

There isn’t shit some crack pot teacher can tell me that I don’t already know. Thank god Anna has all

of my classes with me because I think I’m going to go crazy. Great and now the orientation is over so

off to 3rd period and since its day 1 obviously I have music appreciation. Which is a stupid class, I

have an IPod I appreciate music all day (lol). Anyways let me get there before I’m marked late on the

1st day, I might need that for tomorrow.

Music Appreciation

This class is such a waste of time, why do I even need it? I took music last year and passed. Check

this out we are listening to songs to tell and guessing what the singer intended for us to feel when

hearing it. This has been one long ass hour, we only have like 5 minutes left and the next class I have

is advanced history. Nothing says fun like advanced history, fuck I hate being smart! The bell just rung

so I’m speeding out the door with Anna right behind me, in the hall I slow down. Take a deep breathe

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