Chapter 4 - Party So That All Is Forgotten

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The boy who I now know as Tom, danced with me for god knows

how long it felt like hours.  I find that he isn’t nearly as cute as I

thought he was when I first got here (what a bust), so I do the

only sane thing I know and make up an excuse to get the hell

away from him. But instead of him agreeing quickly like I’d

wanted him to, he offered me a drink for another dance. Me

thinking if I take the drink it’ll be the end of him bothering me

agree, boy was that a mistake. As soon as the drink hit my

system I knew something was wrong, I know this feeling but it

can’t be not again………………… My mind goes back to a time I wish

to forget.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Summer 1999 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I’m back in Maryland visiting for the summer and I couldn’t be

happier, I’ve been here for about a week so everyone decided

that we should go to a party. Now I’ve never been to a real party

before so I am past nervous, yet excited at the same time. So my

cousin finds where a party was being thrown that night, turns

out it was a high school party at some kid’s house I didn’t know.

Anyways we all rush home and get dressed to kill and to make

ourselves look older, once done we all meet at the bus stop and

gave each other  a once over to make sure we would all get in

with no problem. I see that I wasn’t the only one who went for

more of a slutty look then mature, slutty always works for

getting in because who’s going to turn down a hot chick?

Once we got there I could feel the guy’s eyes on my ass, but hey I

hope they like what they see. We all got in and the party was

live. I walked up to some people I knew growing up and talked

awhile, after a minute or two I walked into the kitchen and tried

to find a drink. I don’t like alcohol my dad was a drunk so it

bothers me, too bad for me there was nothing but liquor so I took the 1st thing I saw and started sipping on it. This shit is

strong as hell (ugghh), anyways I start dancing and grinding to

the beat. So guy who I must say looked pretty damn good came

and asked me to dance, I agreed. The night went about the same

I lost count of my dance partners and the drinks they gave me.

Towards the end of the party the 1st guy I danced with asked me

to walk with him, me thinking nothing of it left with him. We ended up in some room on the 2nd floor and the next thing I

know he’s kissing me. I push him off not liking the aggression or

the kiss, but he doesn’t seem to notice and drags me towards

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now