Journey Of The Mummification

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Chapter 1

Time Machine

I was thinking of a way to build a time machine, when I realized a way that could possibly work. I worked on it day and night, but nothing was working, so I wanted to give up but I didn't. I worked on it and worked on it more, and one day I figured it out I had just been using a broken cable. I replaced the cable, and WUZAAA it worked. I didn't know where to go first, and I was a bit scared it would harm me. I needed to try it so I decided to go to Egypt, after the pyramids were finished. I stepped in the time machine. I was shaking and couldn't breath. I turned some levers, and I counted to 3 and pushed the button which is supposed to move me in time. Nothing happened at first. I started getting more nervous. "What if it doesn't work," I accidentally said out loud, but the capsule started spinning. Faster and faster. Everything turned black. I could feel the capsule around me, but I couldn't see anything or hear anything. Wait, I thought. What am I touching? It is moving. It said hello. Skull shivered. What could it be, I thought? " hey it's me" said Ronaldo. "Seriously," Skull said " you came?" " where are we?" Said Ronald. "I don't know" Skull said. " You shouldn't be here!" And a bright light started shining on us, and it was really hot. I wondered if that meant we were in Egypt. But the bright light was preventing us from seeing anything. I felt for the handle, and I found it, and opened the door, and all I could see was sand. "I do not know if that means that we made it," Skull said "or that we traveled time, but we're certainly not inside our house anymore." I walked around and saw a huge sand colored triangle.I'm not sure what it is, but it looked amazing!

Chapter 2

The Mummy

"Oh! I think I should go to the pyramids of Giza first" Ronaldo said."The land of the mummies" said Skull. "That is the place Ronaldo wanted to go his whole life, of course" remembered Skull. "Why, did you come with me Ronaldo!" "Look, that is the biggest picture of a pyramid I have ever seen," said Ronaldo."Haha that not a picture you freak that's the real pyramid" replied Skull. "Well of course I was only joking" Ronaldo said sarcastically. "It's Khufu's pyramid it's about 23 million Meters tall biggest pyramid of ancient Egypt and also took them 23 years to build as well" said Skull. "Are you done can we go now said" Ronaldo. Go where to the Khufu's pyramid" said Skull . "This pyramid is huge from the inside" said Skull . "A inside of a pyramid is a tomb for your information" said Ronaldo."Oh"! "Look there! "There are two paths which one should we choose" said Skull . "That's hard to tell because these are duplicates of each other". "But why"? "You don't need to know that". "Why''? "Because it's enough if the leader knows it". "Can you please tell me," said Skull "so the tomb robber get lost". Replied Ronaldo "Who's a tomb robber?" "It's a person who steals kings and Queens jewelry and other valuable stuff." "Well let's get out of here or else we are going to get trapped without knowing". I said. " no!" Said Ronaldo. " i am going inside, bye!" "ugh, I'll come!" I said. " let's go left!" I said. We walked to the left hallway, and there were hieroglyphics everywhere. It was amazing! We kept walking through different hallways. It was kind of scary, but awesome at the same time. I was scared that we would get trapped, but I really wanted to see a real mummy. We finally got in a big room which had light in it. There were shadows moving. We walked closer, and peeked inside, and saw a mummy! It was amazing. We accomplished our goal, so we wanted to see who the mummy is, and travel back in time even further to see who the mummy was. We stepped in the machine, clicked the button and we went to our next destination.

Chapter 3

Back In the Past

"This is the exact same place we were at Skull," Ronaldo exclaimed. "Bro, we are in Egypt,yes we were I totally agree, but this is 2560 B.C we are way back in the past," I said "Duh!" "Okay, So lets go figure out who that mummy was," Ronaldo said eagerly. He didn't have any patient! We headed towards the pyramid. "I can't believe the slaves, and farmers had to carry 2.3 million blocks which each almost weighed 2.5 to 15 tons!" Ronaldo said "SO COOL!" "Wow you are so weird Ronaldo, I can never understand you!!" Skull said. We went through those wacky hallways, to reach to the room of the mummy. " Wait, obviously the mummy isn't gonna be here. Wait, hold on let's go back and check that dude outside with all those slaves.......... That was Pharaoh Khufu (aka Pharaoh James)," Skull said as if she were going to die if she didn't meet the pharaoh. "OMG, Pharaoh James!!! Who is Pharaoh James??!!" Ronaldo said sarcastically. "LET'S GO!!" We went there and found out he died. This is where Ronaldo and I got excited so we could see this whole thing called Mummification (aka Embalming). Mummification is something they do to pharaohs who die which they also believe in this thing once they die they go to there after life. "YAY," We both exclaimed!! "Eww, we have something in common," I said. We both were heading towards where they were taking him. Into his pyramid which was already done. Inside into this room which was dark only a few candles lit. The body was laid down on this sheet and there with four jars. We peeked over and saw this cat/man person named Kha (aka Mittens) getting ready to inform the embalmers what to do and also a cat named Minuty help as well. He got ready and he started to tell his three embalmers what to do. There was a guy named James, Rooney, and Migz. "Okay so let's begin," said Mittens. We were standing there watching.

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