World War 3 In Class

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This day was the world most horrifying day IN THE WORLDDD!!  It was horrifying because of what happened to our lovely class. If you would of had been here, you could DIE while watching this drama.


This is what happened....... In a moment there was silence and everyone looked at each other. But after a few minutes came in the teacher and she told us to work on our WAR essay and we were all in groups. The Allies were in one side and The Axis on the other. What happened was we we doing a real debate but then one person said a stupid reason and the other side started to scream at US! After that I  shouted " How about we have a real war ", and everyone agreed. What we did was The Allies were on one half of the classroom and The Axis on the other. We made fake weapons out of paper and we had our lunch plus snack which was our only food to survive.


We had started to actually fight when our teacher actually payed attention to us, and joined the war she was in The Allies side which was my side! Well, that day we were having too much fun but " In the war you know how people died" that is what started to happen "FAKE" dying. From there the war had almost been over but there still was some more action! This is where we started to throw atomic bombs (Fake) which made the war more realistic.


This is where the war was going to end. 15 deaths took place which was HORRIBLE! And from here Coraline the leader of The Allies and Amanda the leader of The Axis we declared that we will stop the fight and whatever we own will be your own. This is where the fun ended and it will always be remember!!! ♥♥

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