Chapter five

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"It wasnt hard to pick up on who you are, you smell of the pure bloods, and at this time a certain princess has suddenly gone missing", Anemia flicked her hair back as she stood to tower over me.

"We should take her in, there must be a reward", Archer butt in.

"No, this one will bring only trouble, what King would believe a few rogues happened to stumble across his missing daughter", Dickson growled. He seized the front of the borrowed shirt I wore and hauled me to my feet.

As I came to stand my ankle gave out and I fell to my knees. If it weren't for Dickson holding me I would have fallen on my face.

"Half of the guard would be out there, if they get us there will be no tomorrow", Archer ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

It already seemed as if they were deciding if they should kill me.

"No, she can come with us, a pure blood should gain access to the pack in Acythrae, if we play friend they would allow us to join", Anemia pat Dickson's arm and moved around to her pack.

"Alright Carissa, if you help us gain passage to the pack in Acythrae we will set you free", Anemia helped me stand. Her eyes were truthful, and despite the threats on my life I trusted her.

I trusted them.

Standing tall as I could I took a breath and forced it slowly out through my nose. If my judgment was wrong running from the king would have been for nothing.

Maybe death was more to my liking than marrying and bearing children unwillingly to a fat money and power hungry human.

Courage coursed through my veins like Ice to a warm vessel. I looked at Anemia feircly.

"I want my freedom more than anything, I will help you into the haven as long as you promise to help me get away from my father",

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