Chapter one

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The sheets bunched up under my fingers as I held tight and slipped down as if it were a vine in the wood. When my bare feet hit the soft ground I smiled.

Hoisting the makeshift bag over my shoulder full of clothes and a book from my passed grandmother, I took off across the cultivated garden at a swift pace. The moon accompanied me as I made my escape.

Tonight everything would change.

Climbing from my window had been easy, getting past the guards at the gate would be difficult, challenging even but not impossible.

Real vines curled over the wall hidden behind an apple tree. The gardeners had deemed it a harder chore and abandoned the thought of cultivating it as they would the castle gardens, which was a very lucky thing. 

Gripping a piece of the vine Carissa pulled herself up and to the top of the castle walls. It took less effort with her slightly better than normal strength. Beyond the walls were thick forests lit by the moon. Save for the single main road the castle was completely hidden.

The book her grandmother had given her said to head east, luckily that was not along the main road where surely someone would see a girl wandering in the night alone.

"Head east, when you come to the oceans bargain with the people who sail big wooden carriages across water. Ask to be taken to a town called Acythrae",

That was all My grandmother had said as she handed me the book on Shifter's. A book my mother forbid me to touch.

As I came to the tree line I became jittery with something I didn't know existed in me. Looking back at the dimly lit castle I smiled before disappearing into the foliage. It felt as if nothing could touch me. I felt free. 

Poor Lord Esbern discovering his young bride missing the morning of the ceremony. It left a gleeful smile across the princess's face. 

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