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"Carissa you must keep up appearances, hiding in the woods is not going to make this problem go away", Evangeline busied herself with sewing a long silk dress adorned with fine jewels and pearls, something that would only befit a princess or a future queen. 

"But I told father I don't want to marry that beast", Carissa sat herself on the soft sheets of her mahogany bed and clasped her hands, while secretly watching her mothers expression, but as it always went Evangeline's face was a fine cut of cold porcelain, she neither smiled nor frowned. 

"Your fathers word is law Carissa Aryn", two striking green eyes looked up at the young girl in slits. Cunning was how people described Lady Evangeline to be, she was smart with her words, its what drew her father to her, she was a fine Queen with a gift for diplomacy. 

"But mother, I am only seventeen, I should not be thinking of marriage I should be preparing for my first shift", Carissa sat up pushing away endless curls of red hair framing her young face like a lions mane.

"Your father said strictly no shifting, think of the fuss the humans would make if they saw you, besides if the shifter blood missed me is surely would have not gone to you", Evangeline patted the wrinkles out of the dark red dress and stood holding it up for show, despite being born into a Lycan based family Evangeline couldnt shift, and was positive Carissa could not either. 

"See Carissa, how beautiful you will look in your wedding gown", Evangeline smiled. Her bright red hair was tied back into a sharp bun. A red dress was out of character for a wedding,  where white symbolized purity Red in this case was new blood, where humans and Lycan's were being paired. 

"Have you not been listening mother", Carissa crossed her arms and twisted her mouth into a pout. Many times Evangeline had told her daughter it was never possible for any of the women in the Aryn house to shift. many times had Carissa believe she was not the same as her bitter mother. She heard a rustle of fabric and the click of heels edging towards her. All of a sudden a tall figure loomed over her.

"It is you who does not listen to me. If you do not marry Lord Esbern you will put a darkness on our family name", Evangeline's eyes turned a glowing green as her anger became visible. "I have not slaved all these years helping your father bring the house to greatness, we would live in a cave with a filthy pack if it werent for me", she put her hands on her hips and glared pure hate. 

"I will not have the last descendant of the Aryn household childless, you were brought into this world to carry the Aryn name on not rid the world of it", Evangeline was almost shouting down at Carissa. Her form was coiled like a snake prepared to strike.

"Understood mother", Carissa whimpered. All at once the anger faded from Evangeline's eyes, although her mouth was twisted into a firm line showing her distaste in the outcome of the talk, she did not smile, Evangeline never smiled. 

"Good, I will fetch the maids to help you try your dress", Evangeline straightened her back and folded her hands before walking out of the room leaving the mark of the end of Carissa's life to stare back at her. 

Carissa wept silently for some time ignoring the disgruntled sighs as the maids worked to fit the sparkling wedding dress to the form of the young girl. 

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