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I woke up to the sound of my sister calling me.

"Wake up Seren, biiiig day today!" my sister called in a singsong voice.

"Ugh. Coming." I fell out of bed and changed into my clothes, the usual combination of blue jeans and a brightly coloured t-shirt, then scrambled downstairs.

"So you finally woke up, eh?". Thats my sister, Kaya. She's already made her breakfast and is sitting down and eating it, completely ready. She's even done her makeup.

"The cereal's on the counter."

"Thanks, Kay." I eat my breakfast while Kaya stays at the table texting whoever. I walk into the bathroom and quickly brush my hair and teeth, wash my face and apply a little concealer.

"You should really use some makeup" Kaya tells me. "apart from concealer that is."

"No thanks, Kaya" I say, used to this suggestion. "I honestly don't care as much as you do."

"Use some lip-balm at least! You really need it."

"Well thanks, Kay"

"Well, get in the car!" She says "We have an audition!"


We finally arrive at the place of the audition.

It's a massive building made of crumbling reddish brown bricks held by cracked cement. Some of the bricks were missing and slate roof was missing a few tiles. It looked like it could come tumbling down at any second. A long line of people were trailing from the large wooden doors, chattering nervously among themselves.

"Great Hall, eh?" Says Kaya "What a stupid name. Who thought to themselves, 'I love this hall. It's great, I'm great, so instead of naming it after the town or anything, let's call it Great Hall.' What. An. Idiot."

"Yeah." I'm not thinking about the name though. I'm thinking about the audition. I'm a terrible actress under pressure. What if I forget what to say? What if I say lines from a completely different audition? And with so many people auditioning as well, how can I possibly get the part? I silenced these thoughts and listened to my sister ramble on about every stupidly named place she knew.

"It might be great as in big, Kay."

"Well, whatever. Lets join the line of never-ending stress and boredom, shall we?"

"Oh God, this will take forever." I sighed.

"Actually, it's Kaya, not God."

"Oh, shut up".

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