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Celina age 5 and Richard age 6

She sat there on the beach building the sand castle of her dreams like those in the fairytale that madam Jean tells her about .oh how she loved that !she draws tiny windows with her little fingers while her blonde curls fell on her face sticking to the sweat due to her hardwork.

She was always in her own world as she had no friends because they were all older than her and they didn't want to share their toys and play with a toddler . She pouts sadly when she thought about that !she was so not a toddler she is a big 5 yr old girl and it was okay to look a Lil tinier for her age but her classmates disagreed with that and then there was Henry who would always bully her and tease her and do meanie things !

She spoke to her toys her brother and her pup as daddy was always travelling .

She smiled happily as she admired her work and was giving final touches when a pair of shoe stamped her castle and broke it off completely .she looked over to see the evil Henry and his friends luc and James grinning .

"Why did you do that "she pouted with tears in her eyes

"it was so pretty I worked so hard " and his grin widened

"because I didn't like it and it looked stupid you toddler "why is he so evil and mean with her she though ?she never did anything to him and she cudnt stop her tears from flowing but evil Henry wasn't done as he took a handful of sand and put jn her locks and started laughing .

"Stop it Henry ,why are you bothering her "came a boys voice who sounded bored

"who are you and what is it to you ?"cried out Henry and lil celina turned around to see a tall boy with light brown hair and warm golden eyes standing there with a bored expression on his face .

"I am just someone who is bored with your antics at school and now here too" he spoke like an adult celina thought ... but she was so glad someone stood up for her ... she was soo happy .. maybe he could be her friend too

"then go somewhere else !don't you know who I am "said Henry and the brown haired beautiful boy just shrugged his shoulders

"I don't care really ,I just hope you grow up and mess up with people of your own level than little girls" Henry just glared at him and started to come forward to hit him but was stopped by his butler

"you must stop master Henry and we need to head home now "but Henry was still glaring at the boy before he turned off and walked away .

Celina just looked at the brown haired boy with wonder ... he is my hero she thought ... she smiled at him but he just looked at her and walked away but lil celina had already made up her mind

"hey "she called out and ran after him

"I am Celina and Thankyou for helping me" and she handed him her favourite biggest seashell as he turned around looked at her face and then her hand and back at her face .

"Its my favourite seashell but you can keep it as you are my friend now "she smiled bringing dimples on her cheeks and the boy cudnt help smiling a little.

she was soo cute and so happy .. he wish he could be as happy and friendly as she was so he shyly took her shells

"I am Richard "he said .
She simple smiled wider and kissed his cheeks

"Richie will you pwease be my friend "she spoke embarrassed a Lil about her pronunciation ..maybe he will think she indeed just a toddler now !!stupid stupid Celina .

He smiled a little and looked down at the sand ... he has no idea of friendship but here was this happy little girl with cute dimples offering him her seashells and asking her to be his friend and he was happy .

He nodded his head lightly and she did something he never expected ,she hugged him and that made him awkward and made him a little shy but he was happy ,her lil blonde head was on his chest and she was smiling and he knew that is all he ever wanted to see .

See her smile like that upon him forever .

Hey lovelies do you like it ?the characters in this story will get older over the time and things will get better and funny and hotter
Lemme know if you want some changes as this is my first story here xx

Reserved yet possesive bestfriend.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن