Ch. 3

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Ch. 3

Mary's POV

I was tossing and turning, having a horrible nightmare. Funny thing is, I can't remember my nightmares, or my dreams for that matter, when I wake up. I bolted up, glancing widely around my room.

I checked the time on my alarm clock. 4:13. Joy. (note the sarcasm there) There was no chance for me to fall back asleep. I figured I was hungry so I pulled my fluffy white tiger print bathrobe over my pajamas, and padded silently downstairs to the best place in the entire house.

The Kitchen.

It was a warm sunflower yellow color, with cute little signs and sunflower decorations. I spent most of my childhood here (the only decent part of my life) with my mother, baking cookies, or meals for our neighbors.

You know how I was saying it was so cute and stuff earlier?


Thats only during the day.

At night, a WHOLE 'nother story. It was quite creepy actually. Maybe its just me though, because I'm such a scaredy cat. You can blame Ash & Co. for that.



Okay, I'm sorry. My jokes are incredibly lame, but what can ya do, ya know?

As I watched into the Kitchen, I noticed a shadowy figure. My first thought: OMG OMG A GHOST IS HAUNTING ME AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Yeah, if you couldn't tell, i dont do very well in these types of situations....

I covered my mouth to hold back a scream. He took a step closer. I barely squeaked out "P-Please don't kill me.." he just laughed. His laugh was strangely familiar.

"I'm not here to kill you, Mary." he chuckled deeply. his voice was even more familiar. He held out his hand to me, holding my IPhone. "You left this earlier" he grinned.




I snatched it out of his hand, holding it tightly. "H-How did you get in?" I asked, stuttering. WOAH. Why am I so nervous around this guy?!

"You left your front door open, not a smart choice. Some random creep could come in and kidnap you or something." he said, his brown eyes glowing despite the darkness of the night. "Like you?" I retorted, folding my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrow.

He held his hand over his heart, acting fake offended "What? ME!? A creeper? Mary please, I'de never do such a thing!" he exclaimed, looking fakely hurt. I laughed at that. "Pshh yeah right."

He grinned, his (oh, how I hate to admit this) cute lopsided smile, and kissed my forehead. I blushed and immediately looked away, avoiding eyecontact. "Sweet dreams Mary-Berry." and started leaving my house.

I felt m heart lurch, bacause for some reason, I didn't want him to go. He caught me by surprise and looked back over his shoulder. "Oh," My eyes filled with hope "Dont forget to lock the door this time Mary." he winked and left.

That bastard.

I resisted the strong desire to slam the door, and shut it softly. I turned around and turned on the kitchen light, trying to remember the reason I was down here. Oh!

My guilty pleasure:

Leftover pizza.

I opened the fridge, getting out a few slices, and an open two liter of Sprite and trudged up to my room. I creaked my door open softly and I peaked in, confirming it was safe to enter. I shut the door behind me, padding over to my desk, opening up my laptop. Once turning it on I-


Okay I'm good. Ugh that was bright. I opened up my tumblr, checking stuff and replying to things. Then I went on Wattpad, my eyes glued to the screen as I read Taming Kade (A/N: It's an actual book, check it out. X3). I was reading until 6 am, which is when I reluctantly went into my bathroom, grabbing a white tank top, skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and a gray beanie. I padded into the shower, letting the hot water pound onto my back, massaging my stiff muscles.

After washing my hair and such, I got out, wrapping my robe around me, washing my face, putting a but if concealer on. Hey, I know I'm a nerd, but that doesn't mean I don't care about how I look.

After that I got dressed and unwrapped the towel and my hair fell down to my waist. I turned on my blow dryer, blow drying my hair, sson it drying to become nice waves, which was how my hair was naturally, I placed the beanie on my head and nodded in satisfaction, leaving my bathroom and shutting out the light. I walked in my room and nearly screamed, seeing.....

Martin's POV

She nearly screamed when she saw my, covering her mouth. I smirked, amused by how cute she look when she was surprised. She narrowed her eyes, seeing my smirk.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" she whisper-yelled and I chuckled. "Driving you to school of course." I said in a 'duh' tone, grinning.

"Oh no you aren't." she said, walking to her itty-bitty closet, pulling out a gray pair of Converse.

Martin: "I'm driving you whether you like it or not, so no point in saying no." I said.

She groaned and sighed reluctantly, letting my know I had won. I smiled triumphantly. "Are you ready then?" I asked her, glancing over at her and she nodded "I guess."

I began going down her stairs, already knowing her parents weren't home. SHe grabbed a muffin that was left for her on the counter and we headed to my motercycle.

"There's no way in hell I'm riding that." she stated, crossing her arms firmly, narrowing her eyes, as if she was trying to intimidate it. I laughed internally, finding it cute, being she had such a small stature.

Her glare turned to me "What's so freaking funny?" she asked. Shoot, I laughed out loud.

'Nothing, nothing." I said, tossing a helmet to her. She fumbled, but caught it "I told you I'm not riding that death trap Martin, so don't bother." she said, tossing the helmet back to me. I caught it with one hand easily. "Its going to start raining soon, there's no point in walking, it'll just be slower."

"But I'll still get wet if I ride the death trap." she retorted, looking at me with a slight smirk. "But it will be faster." I said, grinning. She groaned, glancing up at he "You aren't going to let this go are you?" she asked, and I nodded happily.

"Gimme that" she said, snatching the helmet I was holding and put it on her head. I chuckled and got on, holding out a hand to help her on after me. She glanced at my hand hesistantly for a moment before hopping on, wrapping her arms around my stomach.

"Hold on" I grinned, and my motorcycle revved up and sped out into the street, just as it began raining.

As soon as we got to the school, all the talking from the students outside stopped. They all stared at us.



Okay, so. before you go all t-rex on me, lemme explain. I know I haven't updated in MONTHS and I'm so sorry. But I'll try to get another chapter done today. Please give me feedback, I'd really appreciate it ;3


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