Ch. 2

112 8 2

Martin's POV

I met up with Ash and them after I left the library. Let's not even DISCUSS my meeting Mary there. Why was i so flirty with her?! We've teased her since 5th grade! And calling her Mary-Berry! I mentally slapped myself.

I am SUCH an idiot...

The inner voice in my head insulted me We all knew that Sherlock. I rolled my eyes at the voice. "Martin? Marty? FOR JESUS'S SAKE, MARTA ARE YOU DEAF?1" Ash yelled in my ear. Jesse and my little brother snickered. "I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED IF I WAS BECAUSE YOU pROBABLY JUST KILLED MY EARDRUM." i yelled back into his ear. Ash just laughed.

Suddenly Jesse smacked me in the arm, snickering and pointing. He pointed to a girl with long straight deep brown hair and brown eyes. She had carried a huge stack of books.


"Look everyine, its the Nerd Almighty! Bask in her glory!" Ash teased, and they all laughed at her. She rolled her eyes "Grow up would you" she asked annoyed. Ash's face began to slowly turn red. Oh crap... Ash's furious.. She spun on her heel, her long dark brown braid nearly whipping him in the face.

Ash growled quietly, angrily, sticking his foot out, tripping her and causing her to fall,, her knees scraping the hard concrete. He laughed and walked away. Jesse followed right behind him. My little brother, Jason, looked at he uncertainly for a moment and I nodded, and he went after Ash and Jesse.

I bent down next to her. "You alright, Mary-Berry?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in concern.

She didn't buy it one bit.

"Just leave me alone, Jerk" she said, silent tears streaming down her face, but she gave a death stare.


If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"I'm just trying to help" I said, dumbfounded at how rude she was with my offer.

"Well, if you'd like to help, NEVER EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN. And tell your friends the same." she said, standing up, and groaning.

I stood there, watching in amazement.Whats her issue? I asked myself, watching her walk away. I suddenly saw her fall, in slomo and everything, about to slam her face into the concrete. I lunged for her, grabbing her arm, saving her from falling.

"Let go of me, Jerk." she said, yanking her arm away.

I chuckled "What?? No 'Hey Martin, thanks for saving me from crushing my face into concrete.'?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood, which was kind of already in the toilet.

"Nope.' she replied, popping the 'P'. She started walking away, leaving me to stand there again, alone. "Bye!" I called after her, to which she didnt respond to at all. I sighed, and started walking back home.

As I started walking, a glint caught my eye. I bent down, realizing it was an IPod. It had a Harry Potter skin on it, and some Hedwig the Owl earbuds to match. Mary. I chuckled, finding it strangely cute how obsessed she was. I turned around, about to return it to her, but she was already gone.

Fine then, i'll just return it tonight. I decided, and went home.


Well alrighty then!!

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Lol but seriously, lemme know if you like it!

The picture is of Martin ;)

Love yalls forever :3,


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