Thinking Out Loud

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The next day I decided to just have a day to myself. I showered & put on a gray crop top with a plaid mini skirt & leave my hair in a ponytail the usual.

I grabbed my phone & purse &
headed to my car.

I got in & drove around not knowing where to go.

I plugged my phone up so it connects to the speakers in my car I put on Danger by Bts.
Even though I don't understand what there saying at least I can try & say what there saying in the song.
I started humming along & singing it a bit.

I decided to get a car wash my car was dirty, gotta stay clean you know.

I drove over to the car wash & grabbed my phone once I stepped out.
I heard whistles I ignored it didn't even bother to see who was whistling probably just older men being nasty.

I let the worker take my car & put it through the system to get washed.

I was just standing off to the side scrolling through Instagram waiting for my car to be done so I can dry it off since they don't have that here I gotta do it myself.

After 5 minutes it was finally out & ready to be dried off.
I put my phone in the plug playing some music not to loud just perfect for me to hear. I grabbed the white rags out of the glove department I got out & started rubbing away the water with the rag.
Wrong day to wear a skirt but I'll make it work even if there's nasty men around. They ain't gonna see my cake or cooch.

I tried to keep my skirt down as I was reached to clean up the water on top of the car.

"Let me get that for u" i heard someone call out.

I stopped & turned around to see Justin jogging his way towards me.

Wasn't expecting to see him today.
Not that I don't mind but what a cawinkidink {ca-we-kee-dink}.

"Wouldn't want those guys trying to look up ur skirt while ur ur drying off ur car."

"Awe my shinning amour" I said sarcastically.
I smiled at him thinking guess he cares?
"What are u doing here anyways?"
"I was taking my car for a wash also."

"Oh, strange how we both came on the same day & about the same timing."

"Are u not happy to see me?"

"Whattt why would u think that?" I responded.

"Just curious" he chuckled.
"How bout I take u out? Maybe have some dinner as friends."

"Yea sure" was all I said.

He had finished drying up my car he had came & stood beside me.

"Thanks for doing that" I smiled.
"Anytime" he grinned.
"Ill text u tomorrow about what time to pick up up."

"Sounds good."

"Ahh I can't get no hug beautiful?"

"Almost forgot" I giggled.
I hugged him & he hugged back. I pulled away.
"See ya later Justin" I smiled at him &
started heading into my car.
"Bye Ari" he waved.

I drove back home just wanting rest I didn't want to go out anywhere else.

I took of my clothes putting on some sweats & a spaghetti strap with socks.

I went to get some ice cream & brought it back up with me to my room. Everyone else was out so I decided to just stay in & rest some more.

I laid in bed eating ice cream watching Titanic. I thought about what Justin said when he said me & him should go out to eat as friends.
I'm good with that maybe he realized things should go slow between us cause we still don't know a lot about each other.
I'd rather things go slow then fast one day at a time.


Justin's point of view
Honestly I didn't even know Ariana was going to be at the car wash.
But I had saw nasty men looking at her & I knew that wasn't right.
So that's why I went over to help her.

After what happened with Selena, sure what she did flashbacks in my mind sometimes but I'm gonna keep going & do me.
Of course I think Ariana is a nice & beautiful girl but there's more to it then that with her.

I'm gonna stick around & be there for her & see where that takes her & I.

Not the best chapter but I tried
9+ Comments 9+ Votes for next Chapter. Plus more books to come probably gonna publish those later so stay tuned love y'all ♡

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