♡Beautiful & Handsome♡

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Months have passed since the situation with Sean. We ended up moving to California we just got here a few days ago still settling in.
I changed my number so no contact with him. Nor does he know I moved but he doesn't need to know he messed up & it's his lost.
It's nice out here just don't know no one. I decided to take a walk clear my head some more taking all this in the move & away from Sean.

I walked out the front door of my new house letting the windy air hit me.
I shivered & put my hands in my pocket taking a stroll.

Justin's point of view

Been surviving through the months still no answer for the job at my dads company yet. It sucks but I get my emotion out in the music I write on my free time.
Selena still tries to contact me I ignore it all there's nothing for her & I to talk about. Anything she does won't change the shit that she cheated.

I decided to go out & skate around on my skateboard.
I grabbed a hoodie & grabbed a board of mine & went out & started skating on the sidewalk.

I ended up skating pretty far noticing this petite girl walking alone. By the looks of her she didn't know it was going be windy cause she wasn't wearing much but was so beautiful in my eyes even though her head was kept down.

I stepped off my skateboard & grabbed heading over to approach her.

Ariana's point of view

It started to get chilly while I was walking & I hadn't brought a coat.
I had saw this boy on a skateboard riding from the corner of my eye also saw him step off & come towards me.
I kept walking this time nervously with my head kept down.

No one's point of view

Justin went to catch up to her once he approached her she stopped but didn't look up.
"Hey I couldn't help but notice that it's pretty windy & you don't have much on,are u lost or something?" he said in a caring tone.

"No not lost at all, just taking a stroll by myself" she still didn't look up.

"Same.. I'm Justin by the way" he held his hand out.

"I'm Ariana" she shook his hand & finally looked up at him. Once she saw him she couldn't stop he was pure handsomeness in her eyes.

She couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smiled.

She blushed "thanks ur not so bad ur self."

He grinned taking off his hoodie & offering it to Ariana.

"You need this more then me beautiful" handing his hoodie Ariana.

"Nooo keep it I'm alright" she said defensively.

"I insist come on your cold I can tell by your arms you have goose bumps."

"Fine" she gave in & took the hoodie & put it on.

Justin & her walked together getting to know each other a bit more until they was in front of her house.

"Nice house" he complimented.

"Thanks we just moved here not to long ago" she smiled looking at her house.
"We should hang out sometime I wanna get to know u better" he responded.

"I'd like that" she blushed biting her lip.

He grinned & pulled out his phone "could I get ur number?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure" she said with a happy tone in her voice.

"First let me take a picture of u so I can remember your beautiful face" he said while smiling.

She posed puckering her lips with her hands the hoodies pocket.
He snapped the photo & she came to his side gripping his arm to see the picture.
"How do I look? How do I look?" she asked.

"Beautiful" he said giving her a toothy grin.

She blushed hard & grabbed his phone putting her number in with the picture of her.

"Now my turn"she pulled out her phone backing away to get a good view of him.

He looked at the camera smiling.
Once she took the picture he came to her.
"I'll take that ma'am " he said in a playful way.

He grabbed her phone & put his number in.
He gave it back to her & she set the photo of him on the contact with his number.

"Guess this is goodbye for now Justin."

"It's not a good bye Ari let's just say see ya later, plus we can hang out sometime we have each others numbers."

"Kk" she smiled & came over to him about to take off the hoodie.

"Keep it beautiful to remember me by."
She smiled & rested her hands on my shoulder standing on her tippee toes giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Thx for keeping me company Justin see ya later."

"Anytime Ariana, see ya" I smiled & watched her her entered her house.

Justin's p.o.v
I took off home on my skateboard happiest guy alive right now.

I just talked with the most beautiful girl ever."
I finally arrived home I headed for a shower stripped down bare & showered.

I got out & put on some warm clothes & got into bed.
I looked at the picture of Ariana admiring all her beautiful features.
To her eyes,lips,& her lightly curved body.
Damm can't believe I met her today.
Totally forgot about Selena when I met her.
I turned off my phone setting it down on my dresser. Closed my eyes & slept thinking of what a perfect day it has been.

Ariana's p.o.v
I couldn't get his handsome self off my mind. Even let me keep his hoodie that had his strong manly cologne on it.
I went & stripped down taking a warm bath. I dried off just putting on
A t-shirt & cuddling up in bed.

I took a glance at my phone looking through my contacts finding Justin in the picture from earlier.
Never thought I'd find someone as handsome as him. Never thought I'd meet someone like him today.

I turned off my phone & got situated in my bed finally closing my eyes falling asleep.

Finally updated !!
They finally got to meet each other,sucky chapter but at least I updated hope u stay tuned!
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Justin's album is finally out!!
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