Chapter 4-The Academy

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~Couple Days Later~
Naruto woke up with a start as a voice kept telling him to wake up, and we all now who that is.
'The hell Kyuu! Its only 6:30 in the morning. The academy doesnt start till 8!'

'Listen kit, if you dont wake up now the other people will try to talk to you again. Its getting really annoying, even for me!'
It was true. Ever since that day he shot them down, they wouldn't stop bothering him. They would try to talk to him at meals, or greet him when he came home. He was gonna snap, but Kuruma held him back.
They also wondered who he hung out with, so when the Hokage's research turned up and that he was always with his most trusted shinobi, Miley, but when he called her in to ask her, she just glared at him and asked not to interfer with her personal life and then left.
Naruto woke up, got dressed and then went downstairs and made breakfast. Over the years he bonded with the chef because he loved all his food and the chef was happy that his food was loved, so he taught him how to cook. After he ate, there was a bit leftovers that he covered and left it there in the kitchen. He left his compound just as Kushina woke up. She woke early in order to make a grand breakfast for her children who were starting the academy today. She was surprised when she saw her son and called out,
"Naruto, where are you going? I'm going to make breakfast." she heard a muffled 'I already ate' then a slam. She sighed. She wanted to get closer to her son, but instead it felt that they were further apart.
"Kushina, what was that noise?" she heard her husband say as he came downstairs with their daughter trailing behind him.
"It was Naruto. He already left saying he ate. I wonder how though." she said the last part mostly to herself and then heard a scream coming from the kitchen. They ran to see who it was and sure enough they saw their daughter (she walked away while Kushina was talking) eating a plate of food hungerly. She looked up and saw her parents looking at her curiously,
"Naruko what are you eating. I didn't leave any food on the counter."
"Mom if you didn't make this then who did. It the most yummest thing I've ever tasted. Come on, try it" she said as she shoved a spoonful of the food in both their mouths before they could say anything. Their eyes widened with ever chew. It was true, it was the most delicious thing that they had ever ate. But the question remained 'Who made it?' Then they all remembered what Naruto said and they realized that he was rhe one who made it. But how?
"Mom, did you teach Nii-san how to cook?" She shook her head no. There was a moment of silence then Minato spoke up,
"I think you should get ready Nariko. Since he'd also be their then we can ask him." and with that they got ready to leave.
Back with Naruto, he just arrived at his sister's apartment and opened the door and went to her room, only to see the familar sight of her still asleep. It was a known fact to those who knew Miley, or experienced it first hand, like a couple of Anbu, that you never wake Miley al Ghul while she's asleep, because if you do, your in for alot of hell. He looked at her and decided that he couldn't wait till she woke up and so decided to do what most sane people dreaded, wake her up.
"Kit are you sure, don't you remember what happened last time when someone tried to wake her up." Images of the tattered body of the poor Anbu, who was ordered by the Hokage to get her for a mission flashed into their minds. The very thought made them shudder, but it was getting late and so he did what no sane living creature would do, he woke her up.
"Nee-chan, wake up. Its my first day of the academy remember? You said you would go with me." Silence. Nothing was said so he tried again, this time he shook her lightly which was returned with a glare, but when she saw who it was, softened it a bit and asked,
"Oi Naru, what did i say about waking me up, huh? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?! Anyways, you wouldn't wake me up for no reason so what is it?" she looked at him with half opened eyes that widdened when he told her that they were gonna be late. She got ready in 5 minutes time and then shushined to the village market so she could buy some fruits.
"Here bro, your a growing boy so you need these." she handed it to him and then realized the glares around them. This was something she had gotten use to but wondered why she never just killed the bloody morons and get over it. But then that would mean her grandfather's sacrifice would be in vain.
"Ok break it up. We all love Naruto we get the idea so move along." some scoffed and was about to say something, but a sadistic grin from Miley shut them up. As they neared the academy they were met with Chouji, Shikamaru and Hinata, who just arrived, so the five decided to walk to the academy together. Once they reached there, they saw all the other children and their parents including the Hokage's. Everyone just stared at the five. As they were about to enter they heard the others say,
"Why is the demon here?"
"Shh.. don't say that. Look who is with him. She's the strongest shinobi and is one his side"
"Don't play with him or go near him, Ok? He's a demon."
The Hokage and his family heard everything and couldn't beleive what they heard. Their son/brother was being insulted right infront of them!
"Hey! What the hell are you saying about my son!!" Kushina yelled. She was furious. One of the civilians then came up to the Hokage and said,
"Hokage-sama, please don't let the demon be a ninja-" he was sent flying into a tree. They all looked and saw that it was none other than Miley who did so. She went to him, grabbed him by the hair and said with venom,
"Say one more thing out of your filthy mouth and I'll make sure you won't be able to talk again. Permanently"
She let go and looked at the other civilians, who were shaking in fear and said in her demon voice,
"If anyone hear says that again about MY baby bro, I'll make sure you would have wished for death then what i have in store." Then she went back into the academy. The civillians, after a couple of minutes of staying frozen, walk their separate paths until it was just the Hokage's family left. Minato, was shocked at the fact of what the villagers said about his son, no less with him there, finally snapped out of it and said,
"He was telling the truth" the other two just looked at him and said in unison,"What?" He looked at the with tears forming and said,
"When ge said that the villagers would harras him, and we would hit him and say he was lying, he wasn't lying, he was telling the truth" With that Kushina started to cry out loud as she remember the times he would tell then and then she would slap him for lying. Naruko couldn't believe it. The villagers who were so nice to her, were satans towards her brother.
"Tou-san, Kaa-san I'm going to class now. I'm going to protect my brother no what happens, believe it!!" They nodded and then went their seperate ways.
When she entered the class, she saw her brother sitting beside a boy sleeping and a boy eating food. She wanted to sit next to him but that was already not possible. She looked around and saw a shy quiet girl and an empty seat next to her and it was right behind her brother.'Perfect' she thought and sat next to her. As she came closer, noticed that it was the girl she saw earlier with her brother. She sat down next to the girl and introduced herself.
"Hey there. The names Naruko, what's yours?"
Now Hinata knew the realationship of Naruto with his parents but because she was asked by Miley to be nice and act as if she didn't know anything, she tried her best to smile and calmly reply,
"Hello. I already know who you are. My name is Hinata." and with that she decided not to associate with her, but Naruko being herself, continued,
"I saw you with my brother this morning. Are you guys friends?" she didn't know how to answer that question, but luckly in came the saviour of werid conversation, Miley and behind her was Iruka, the teacher. Everyone admired her because of her accomplishments, so it would make people feel 'like the luckest person on earth' if she smiled at them or even talked to them. Unfortunatley, Miley hating the villagers due to what they did to her bro, wouldn't acknowledge any of them, except a few.
"Miley, what are you doing here? I don't think you want to come back here again now do you?" he sighed.
"Psst, Iruka did you hear yourself. Again? What again? I've never came to this place before. Besides, i came to see by bro and listen to what you have to say to them. If its useful, then continue on, if not then I have some scrolls I want him to decipher. I'm too lazy to do it myself." she shrugged and then walked towards where Naruto and his friends were. All the while, Iruka had many things going through his mind,
'Decipher? Who at this age could decipher languages? And who exactly is her brother?' he looked up he saw her walk towards the back but was shocked, along with everyone else when he heard,
"Oi Nee-chan the hell you doing here?!? I thought the Hokage was gonna give you a mission."
Naruko was first surprised and a burst of happiness was in side her when she heard her brother's voice, but it was destoryed instantly when she saw that he wasn't talking to her, but to Miley. 'Nee-chan?!?' she thought what everyone thought.
"Sorry bro, forgot to tell ya I asked for a day off. I remembered the scrolls i found a couple of months ago and wanted to decipher it. If Iruka's teaching things you already know then see me ate the back, ok?" he nodded and then she went to sit at the back.
"Hey Naruto, isn't Naruko your sister? Why are you calling her that?" barked Kiba. Everyone looked at Naruto, curious at his answer, even Iruka and Naruko, but were surprised when they saw him laughing in tears. When he finally calmed down he said,
"Don't kid yourself. I've never seen her or her parents as family." he said with disgust. This got everyone wondering the status of the Hokage's family, everyone except Shikamaru, Chouji and Hinata. Putting on her headphones, Miley started to work, as if it was a normal thing to do. She looked up and saw that they didn't start so said,
"Yo Iruka, I think you should start your lesson now. I want my bro to come help me with this." then went back to deciphering the text.
Soon enough the class began and as soon as the first subject was over, she motioned Naruto to come to the back. Iruka saw this but let them be for he was curious what the Hokage's eldest could actually do. While the class was given work to do independently, he walked over to where Naruto and Miley were deciphering the scrolls and was surprised. He saw Naruto writing down the translated meaning down with ease, and didn't have to look at the books they had right by them. He saw them comparing and asking one another things, as if they were fascinated by what they found. 'This can't be work that the Hokage gave them. Does he even know about his son being able to read ancient languages?' he thought as he looked over their shoulder. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard,

"S'up Iruka! You finding our work interesting?" she asked.

"I was just wondering how do you know how to decipher such old and ancient languages? Especially you Naruto?" Now all eyes were on him, even Naruko wanted to know the full Capacities of her brother's secret skills. All she knew now was that it had something to do with Miley.

"My sister taught me. Its pretty simple really, and no the Hokage never asked us to decipher them," he got a surprised look from Iruka, then turned to Miley who nodded, allowing him to continue, "its something we do for fun, like a hobby. Some contain stories of the past, or cultures of extinct clans. Some even mention the existence of clans that no one knew ever existed. That's usually for two reasons, one is that their long gone and the second is that they are in hiding. Nee-chan usually looks for them when she goes out for missions, so yeah." When he finished, they all either looked at him with respect, admiration, jealousy or didn't care.

"YEAH RIGHT! SOME DEMON LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BE SMART! YOU BAKA!" screech a certain pink haired banshee.

"YEAH, SASUKE-KUN IS MUCH BETTER THAN YOU, DEMON" that and various things were being said by Sasuke's fan group, along with some of the other students but were silenced when they felt a monstrous killer intent coming from Miley, which shut them up.

"How much languages do you know Naruto?" Iruka asked with curiosity, but was cut off by the bell.

"I guess that's something you won't know, right Naru?" he nodded and then proceeded to pack up and leave.

'I must tell the Hokage about this! His son is a genius! He doesn't need to be at the academy!'
After the children started to leave, he saw the Hokage and his wife at the enterance of the academy, probably here for their children. He went up to them and was about to tell them about Naruto but stopped when he glanced at him from behind the Hokage and shook his head, meaning don't tell them. He didn't but wanted to know why his relationship with his family was bad, when he noticed them looking at his with guilt.

The next day, Miley needed to go on a mission, so in the middle of the class she came in through the window, with a stack of books and scrolls and said,

"*in league language* I need you to decipher these Naru. I did some and I think its a story, its real interesting so hurry"

"*in league language* come on sis, I wanted to sleep through the class, can't we do it when you get back?"

"*in league language* No, my mission is about a week or two, give or take, long and I want to read it when I get back"

"*in league language* Fine, but you owe me some ramen!"

"Thanks bro, oh and don't forget to clean my place, you already have the keys!"

"Hell, no.....fine, I hate you soo much ya know" he said as he grinned. She laughed and kissed him on the forehead and then said "Love you too bro" and then shushined away. He turned to the stack given to him, sighed and then went to the back t work on it. They just had their entire conversation in the middle of class and went about as if it was nothing. Of course the three already knew and so wasn't as shocked. Iruka just had one think in his mind,

'These are gonna be a really long 4 years'

Picture of how Miley looks. The headphones are her signature look!! Hope you like!!

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