Chapter 6?

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Pretty sure this is chapter 6. Bye.


The Sly Army planned plans. Seto and Jason worked on the aerial attacks. Husky would sneak in sneaky-sneak and not all pleb-like, as Preston was there. He and Rob would knock out guards while Lachy and Vikky walk towards the coronation. The others would come once Preston drinks the invisibility potion. The lava mob plans the water breathing potion with Seto.

Mitch was busily sharpening weapons, like Sky's budder sword, and Betty. He swatted away a fire spark Preston gave when Lava P walked past. Mitchell was unaware of Purrston right now. His amber eyes stayed concentrated on the spinning stone wheel.

"Everything would be faster if Ty was here." The blond-ish Canadian mumbled. A certain bacca heard, who told a certain astronaut, who told a certain sorcerer, who told a certain Sky. Adam growled a slight bit. His red shoes walked over to 'check' on Mitch.

"Mitch, come with me, plz. I... need help on something." Sky said enthusiastically. He choked on his own enthusiasm. Mitch was weary about the American human, not bacca. He nodded slowly. A wide smile came on Adam's face. Mitch felt all weariness go away as Sky was still his cheery self.
The hallway was about as long and dark as Ty's hair. At least, to Mitch. His mind was always stuck on the emo squid-boy. Or as his seme squid part calls him, squid-lover. BajanVampire just wants a taste of his blood.  Mitch wanted him for... him. Ty's personality, his weird sense of humor, his strict yet jokingly tone of voice. Sky wanted to take and claim.

Mitch POV

"Soooo." Sly dragged on. "Word goes about that you know where Ty is." I'm instantly pinned to my back against the wall. "Where is he, Mitchell? Tell me the truth." I scowl. I peered upwards, a sign of submissioning challenge. Sky doesn't take the time to notice.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I look him into his budder eyes. A weird, lust driven flame made his eyes glow orange. I mentally shudder, Vampy is going crazy for blood. And Squids ain't doing good for not seeing his 'mate.' Sky smiles into my very soul.

"You know, Mitch." Sky drags the yellow sword across my cheek. "You have been disappearing from time to time. Where do you go?" Sky stares straight at the vein in my neck. A sickly yellow replaced the usual bright budder.

The sword inched ever closer, if not for my phone ringing. Adam whips it out from my hoodie pocket. The name ID showed up: NarwhalDicks. ROSS! WHY!!

Sky raises a perfect eyebrow, no wonder why Ty fell for him. But right now, my heart is weighing between two already. Ty or Jerome. Sky puts it on speaker.

"Hello? Mitchell Hughes? It's me... NarwhalDicks." Thank you, Ross. Stick through the plan... Sky is obviously frustrated with not knowing his name.

"Yes? I'm here. Wassup?" Sky tries to fake my voice with a slight Canadian accent. Ross/NarwhalDicks hung up. Adam growls under his breath. He searches the rest of my contacts.

"Jerome, Fishy, SkyLead/Me, Jay-San, DerpIan, NarwhalDicks,... Oh? And who is this little beaut?" Sky pointed at a name that I winced at.

Squiddy's Little Lover. Fuck you, squid part. Sky tapped the contact, a few rings til Ty picked up.

"Hey-o! Who is... this?" Ty stopped from saying dis with his stupid accent. Sky furrowed his eyebrows. A mystified look came on his face.

"This is one of... Mitch's friends. Preston." I imagined Ty visibly wincing, Ross standing next to him. "What is your name? I feel like I heard your voice before." Sky, or 'Preston' says.

"My name shall only be spoken by Mister Hughes permission. Now, Sir Preston, leave me be." Ty used his cocky royal voice, hanging up seconds later.

Sky glares at me, waiting for his name. I desperately thought of one. And let me tell you, I was not creative at the moment.

"Jack Simon Eleazar, dude." I wince at the name. Sky doesn't notice, but a quizzical look dawned on his face. He doesn't believe me for a second.

"Haha, very funny, Mitch." Adam laughs poisonously. "Tell me his real name this instant."

I sigh, no going out now. Might as well.... Lie some more.

"Taylor Yearly Ross." I say with as much truth as possible. "Met him at Emerald Hill Park. Carries a budder sword during Sunday's. Parents hate him enough to name him stupidly." I make it up at the spot. Sky glances at me, before tossing me my phone. A look on his face told me this is not the last of my torture.

In fact, Living Hell was just beginning. I did not know Ty was coming. He did not yet know of the fake name I gave him. And Sky did not know Ty was the very one whom he married. I left the scene as quickly as possible, trailing small droplets of blood. All the way to the ocean.

??? POV

I can't believe he's this stupid, I thought. Why come to the ocean? Squids lay here. A blue tentacle sprouted out from Mitchell's back.

Of course! A squid hybrid in disguise! I mentally cheer for myself, because everyone does that when they have no or didn't bring their friends. Can't simply wait to show Sky and the others. Good luck, Mitch... You're gonna need it.

I dash back to the, gonna be 6 resident, TC house. I shouted in glee at the thought of me and Jerome finally being together. How lucky for following Mitch!!

I stumble, but catch myself all the same. I'm so happy! I giggle uncontrollably. So, so happy!

"Ian? What's up?" Seto appears flying next to me. Love struck eyes staring at me. Oh, Seto, don't you realize I love someone else?

"Nothing... Except some important squid news." Seto zips ahead, hurrying to tell Sky. Finally.


Longest one I ever wrote. Exactly 1000 words, right above ya. Show your support, love, and suggestions. And if a few questions must be solved, the next chapter will be on answering a couple.


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