Chapter Four

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A Week Ago

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked, Elena hesitate, "Um I-I couldn't keep the blood down and Elijah's blood helped me." Elijah sighed, "Since my blood is her system, she's a Petrova so anything she drinks will not able to cooperate with her stomach but the Sire's blood can." Elijah finished.

Damon huffed, "Well what about Katherine? She was Sired by Rose, and she escaped before Rose tried to killed her." Elijah checked his watch, "She was like Elena for a while until she found a witch who knows how to do a spell that settle your stomach to make sure it doesn't reject any blood."

"Elena?" Stefan asked, She looked up and saw him looking at her lovingly. She immediately felt guilty, Stefan was supposed to help her through this since he's the love of her life but she goes to Elijah everytime when a problem comes along.

Elijah senses an emotion from Elena, which is guilty, he growled.

He was surprised to feel her emotions but another memory of reading of mates came up;

When you complete the blood bond of your mate, you will feel everything they feel, also your emotions will affect your mate's feelings too.

But then Elijah realize there was another information too;

Sometimes during when you first complete the mating bond, your mind and their mind will be connect, your body and her body will become intertwine once you bite her to complete your bond.
And the last results after the mating bond is that your soul and her soul will become into one. If she dies, you will die too after going through many cycles of depression and you will not be yourself, and anyone would want to die to be with their mates. They will do anything for their mates.

The only warning before completing the bond is choose wisely before consuming your bond or else no one cannot reject the bond, it's forever.

"It's time to go." Damon interrupted his memory, his eyes flickered to the clock that was on the church, indeed, it was time.


"A-And um," Elena struggled to breathe after seeing and smelling the blood that was seeping through the ceiling, Stefan came to her and walked her down, Elijah felt the white hot jealousy going through his veins.

She was standing next to him, "I'm thirsty!" She cries while gripping onto Stefan's blazer, "Feed from me." Elijah said, Elena was pushed from Stefan's arm into Elijah's arm.

"Thank you." Elena whisper before she lets her teeth grows sharper and more pointy, she bit into his artery and moaned. Elijah sighed in content, apparently they need to feel satisfaction of their blood going through their throats.

"Thank you for coming to church to honor Pastor Young." The preacher said.

"Okay! I'm going to find this Connor Jordan, he might be one of the five hunters." Damon went out. "Elena?" Stefan asked, "Yes?" Elena looked at him, "Are you feeling better?" Elena smile, "Yes, actually I am." Elijah smiled too after feeling euphoria from her.

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