What annoys me on Wattpad:List 2

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                Well I’m back because I actually like writing rants.

12) When people censor curse words in the middle of a story. If you curse in a story don’t censor it out. You obviously meant to but it there so why back out and censor it. It just shows that you aren’t sure about cursing so just don’t. If I see on more “f***” I will go crazy.

13)Stories with stereotypes. Stereotypes are really dumb and unnecessary. Because not all blondes are dumb and or mean. Not everyone who is gay is flamboyant. Not everyone who is a jerk and who tans way to often is from Jersey. (That hits hard because I am in fact a proud jersey girl) So please quit it with the stereotypes.

14)People who write on authors message boards for them to update. That is what the comments on stories are for. Don’t worry, we get notifications if you comment on the story and we try our best to update. But, don’t clutter up our message boards with annoying reminders telling us that we are not updating. I’m pretty sure we know if we are updating or not but thanks so much for being Captain Obvious.

15)The word emo to describe anything and everything. I always ask anyone who mentions the word emo to give me a definition of it but yet that don’t know. It always the way you dress or the music you listen to or the bands you like or if your favorite color is a dark color and crap like that. I personally don’t like the term emo because it supposedly just means emotionally but it has a million and one different things to it.

16)Stories that involve someone turning into an anti-human thing. Stephanie Meyer, you have created a monster. In monster I mean the authors who somehow HAVE to include a werewolf in their story. At first I was okay with it because you were told that it would involve werewolves. But if it is a regular humor love story and then BOOM the lead character turns into a werewolf vampire hybrid thing. Something like that doesn’t even count as a story twist, that’s just a whole ‘nother story that you decided to put inside your romantic comedy. The funny thing is that it is used so much that it has its one category. Well, mark that down as the category I don’t plan on going to soon.

17)Stories with inside jokes that NOBODY cares about. If I see that the main character randomly yells out something like “We have to save the marshmallow queen.” in a story I am going to scream! We ask you what the heck was your problem when you wrote that and you would say “oh it’s just an inside joke between my friend and I”. Well, we aren’t the friend that you made that little dumb inside thing joke with so don’t add it in the story. Especially if it’s in a drama about overcoming your fear.

18)People who ask for book covers than making a new forum asking for more and another forum and another. Okay we get it if you don’t like the book cover that one person made you. But if you are offered about 30 covers and you are still making numerous forums asking for more, you better make it yourself. I’m tired of making one and the person says “oh yeah I’ll use that one” and they them make about ten million more forums begging for more covers.

19)The fact that you can choose a cast for your story. It’s a story… not a movie. You will never see me “Picking a cast” for my stories because I think it’s dumb. You don’t see actual authors stopping the book to say “oh by the way this Mark character is played by Frank Iero and this Bob character is played by Brendon Urie.” (Although I would love to read that story) Like, what is that? I think that a book character is a book character that you made and that you described not some random celebrity.

20)When characters say “yup” or “nope” while popping the p” When I saw this in a few books I thought that is was a cool way to describe the way they said it. But now it’s getting old, older than the telegram. So please find another word to describe what they are doing

21)Why must the all the girls fall for the player? I know that most girls will fall for the player, but I know at least one girl won’t. Some girls are reasonable enough to notice that if he breaks other girl’s hearts he is gonna break yours. Have the main character sing the “No-No square” song and walk away.

22)Adding YouTube references. I just annoyed myself (Just kidding I meant to put that there) but let’s say if I randomly put something on there and it’s a YouTube reference, well not  everyone uses YouTube as much as I do. Since no one knows what the heck I said you really don’t understand that whole paragraph so that annoyed you. Don’t worry, I will put the “No-No square” song in the little sidebar do hickey.

23)Not every dude in the world is drop dead gorgeous. I hate to say it but it’s true. Stop making everyone so gorgeous. Can’t we have at least on male that is just cute, maybe one more that is just adorable? Or is it pushing it if he was just nice? Like c’mon change it up.

24)Don’t give so much about your kissing session. I really don’t care where your tongues went, I just want to know that you kissed that’s it. Don’t go into detail about every little thing. For those who had never had their first kiss *Cough* like me *cough cough* you are giving us false hope. So just give us the basics.

25)Don’t have the main character kiss EVERYBODY. That behavior, how should I put it? It’s not that church girl behavior if you know what I mean. Because in real life none of us would do that.

26)Student teacher relationships. I only like one student teacher relationship story and that was “My Guidance Counselor Thinks He Can Change Me. I Beg To Differ.” By voldysninja. I liked that one because she didn’t end up with the teacher and everyone lived throughout their lives like it never happened. Sorry to spoil the story ending for those who haven’t read it but that is the only thing I liked about a student teacher relationship. Even the one on Pretty Little Liars kind of freaked me out. Overall, its illegal and creepy so cut it out.

That’s pretty much all the ideas I could come up with in a week but by next week I will have a bunch more. :)

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