chapter 3

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"Okay, nobody panic!" Said Brook.

"We just dropped an ancient mummy and broke a priceless artifact and you're telling me not to panic?" Exclaimed Celia.

The security guards in white uniforms rushed up and reached for their guns.

One bulky guard with a goatee, clearly the leader among the guards, stroke forward and bellowed, "Put your hands behind your head!"

"Woah woah, " Conner tried to reason, "we're not criminals, there must be some kind of mistake. You see, we were only looking at the mummy, when-"

"No excuses!" The guard yelled, "You were obviously trying to steal it!"

"Could you just-"

"What is going on?" Ms. Kelsey rushed into the room, only to find four of her students raising their hands and eight security guards raising their guns.

This was too much for a forty-year-old woman. Her knees buckled and she crashed to the floor unconscious, her wide framed glasses breaking into three parts the second they hit the ground.

"Well." Muttered Brook, "That was one heck of a lesson."

"And you still have time for jokes." Tristan said, not moving his mouth, hands still raised.

"As always."

Conner put his hand up. "Your majesty- I mean officer, may I tie my shoelace?"

"Don't get smart here boy, don't think that you can get away from me."

"It's just a shoelace!" Conner slowly kneeled down on one knee and twirled his laces around his fingers."

Another guard, a black, with huge shades said, "Is this how you usually tie your-"

He never got the chance to finish his sentence. Conner suddenly sprung up and sprinted away, heading for the emergency exit.

"Conner!" Yelled Celia.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Brook.

"You bet" Tristan and Celia replied.

Before the guards could blink, they sprinted off, right behind Conner.

"After them!" The head guard yelled.

Tristan, Brook , Conner and Celia dashed behind the emergency exit. And leapt down the stairs five at a time.

"Why the heck are we doing this?" Panted Tristan.

"Ask Conner !"

"What? Don't blame me! Nobody told you to follow!"

The alarms rang on and on and Celia suddenly slipped down the stairs.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" Brook threw her arms around her."

"I'm fine... Is it just me? Or is the room spinning?"

Conner sat down and leaned on the staircase handles.

"I'm dizzy too." He murmured.

"My head hurts like hell." Tristan massaged his temples.

Brook didn't say a word but she was the first to pass out. Then, Tristan, Conner and Celia lay down on the staircase and passed out too.

The security guards burst in. "Aha!" Yelled the head guard, "gotcha!"

"Uh...sir? They're not here."

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