chapter 2

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Ms. Kelsey walked into the classroom and clasped her hands together.

"Listen up my class! I've arranged a field trip for all of us to a trip to the local museum! As a history teacher, I feel like I have the responsibility to take you to explore new things. It's going to be very exciting!" She fixed her wide framed glasses, " aren't you excited?"

The whole class groaned.

"Well, I'm glad to see the enthusiasm!" She said' "We will go this Friday!"

The whole class groaned again.


"Okay, this sucks." Muttered Conner, as they arrived at the museum lobby.

"Ya think?" Said Celia, rolling her eyes.

"Of all exhibits, I can't believe she's taking us to the one about World War Two. I mean, seriously? Of all exhibits?" Said Brook.

"Ms. Eastlake, do you have a question?" Asked Ms. Kelsey.

"No." Mumbled Brook.

"Good, then please keep quiet." She said. Then, she continued with her long speech about the World War II.

"Psst!" Tristan nudged Conner who nudged Celia who nudged Brook. "Wanna check the museum out?" he whispered.

"Sure beats having to listen to Ms. World War Two here. Count me in!" whispered Conner.

"Girls?" Tristan and Conner turned around just in time to see Brook and Celia creeping up the museum staircase.

"Well what are we waiting for? Move it!"

Slowly and silently, the crept away without being seen.


"Who wants to check out the Egyptian corner? I heard there's a mummy!" Brook suggested.


The four friends climbed up the stairs to the fifth floor.

The Egyptian corner was not at all boring, on the contrary, the four of them found it very interesting. There were ancient hieroglyphs on rotting paper and dozens of ancient jewelry, all locked up behind glass boxes. They gawped at the swords and knives beautifully deigned with gold, silver and jewels, and studied the ancient pottery with carved pictures. Cool!

But the thing that captured most attention was the mummy, lying alone in the corner inside a glass container.

The golden case was decorated with hieroglyphs of all kinds, and the face resembled a proud pharaoh. It's goatee- once painted with black paint-was now losing its color, looking like a gold and black goatee.

"King Mango?" Brook read the name plate.

"It's king Mangoru." Corrected Tristan.

"Awesomeness level a hundred!" Said Celia.

"Wow if I could just..." Said Conner thoughtfully.

"Don't even think about it, Conner, it's a crime!" Warned Brook.

"Yeah, you're right. We should be heading back. " Said Conner.

Nobody would've expected that Conner would suddenly trip over his undone shoelace and crash sideways into the glass container. Smash! The fragile glass couldn't hold his weight and broke apart into tiny little pieces. Everything happened at once. The alarms, the sounds of people panicking, the sounds of walkie-talkies heading their way.

"Quick! Take the mummy!" Yelled Conner.

The others were so shocked that they didn't process the information properly and lifted the mummy up with Conner without thinking.

"Wait....what?!" Said Celia , thinking straight again.

"I... I don't know what I'm talking about..." Mumbled Conner.

"Drop the mummy! What the heck are we doing!" Yelled Tristan.

Pang! The heavy mummy fell to the ground.

"Damn... We are in deep trouble." Said Brook.

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