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*Lillian POV*

My alarm clocks buzzes. I hide myself deeper in my sheets as I grope around blind for my new iPhone. I peek out from inside my cocoon and scroll through the pointless messages until I reach the blue email icon followed by the name Doflamingo.

I quickly jab my finger opening the message. My eyes flicker over it as a plotting grin forms over my face. I jump out of bed and do a small clap with a squeal.

I started scheming last night after Trafucker pissed me off for the last time.

There was something that didn't add up about him. He left friends that cared so deeply about him, he didn't want to talk about his parents' death after I talked about mine, and he was acting all kind and cuddly and suddenly became a dick.

I slip on black nylons, a black large print white plaid skirt (one that you can twirl in), a black three quarter length top, my black oxfords, and a simple small sliver heart necklace rested on my chest.

Trying to tame my long hair, I put it up in a professional but causal bun, not too tight and I let a few wisps fall to my face.

Finally I apply a thin line of eyeliner to my top lid and paint on my bubble gum pink lipstick that luckily wasn't completely destroyed by Trafalgar.

I wrap myself up in my sapphire coat, slip on black leather gloves, slip a matching pink purse with a sliver chain into my backpack and head out.

A confident smile rests on my face as I slip my head phones in my ears letting Billy Holiday's rich voice fill my ears.

I had two stops today: The Doflamingo cooperation and The Thousand Sunny.

Come out come out where ever you are.

No matter how hard you try, you can't hide from me Trafalgar.

*Law POV*

Miss Hayashi walked in and I had to force myself to keep my mouth shut.

The boring girl from day one was completely gone and was replaced by a jaw dropping girl bubbling with confidence.

She was a mixture of business and flirtatious. Her skirt was on the boarder of being too short but the black nylons hid the fact, she was defiantly wearing a push up bra, her lips were a familiar bubble gum pink, and her bun was tied up with a simple black silk ribbon.

An uneasy feeling sat in the pit of my stomach.

Once she sat down and slid my feet up into her lap, "Why all the effort in your attire Miss Hayashi?"

She smirks at me as she places her notebook on the table, "I have an interview at the Doflamingo cooperation today."

"You what!?"My feet slam to the floor and a few of the students turned and stared at me like I grew a third head. I grab her arm roughly, "I told you to stay away from that internship!" I whisper scream at her.

She jabs my hand with her eraser, "Job. Not internship. So I am listening to you technically."

"Why the hell are you doing this? I am trying to look out for you!"

I receive a bone chilling stare, "I thought we were just acquaintances. Why does it matter what I do if we are not even friends?"

"Because. . . " I am cut off by lecture starting.

Miss Hayashi whisper into my ears, her soft lips grazing my ear, "I am doing it in spite of you. It is fun to piss you off. Besides you are cute when you're angry."

What a bullshit answer. She was just trying to aggravate me.

What the hell was she up to?

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