Important Author's Note!

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Important Author's Note:

Hey! I'm sorry to disappoint everyone for not posting an actual chapter, I'm still have a bit of writers block. I'm try to get the next chapter finished and posted though, I kind of lost me enthusiasm to do the story for some reason. I apologize for that, I'm trying to get myself back on track because I want to get at least half the story done before August (when I have to go back to school -_-) if not the entire story completed. . I think I've been pushing myself to write this story for my followers & story fans, that I kind of lost interest to do it.

I'm not sure if you all read my Important Message I posted on my message board yesterday, I hope you all did, but if not the message is down below. Please read it!


I know you all are waiting on me to post another chapter and I've been trying my absolute hardest to get it up to you all, believe me I have. But I don't know I'm sorta stuck on where to go from that point in the last two chapters.

I know I'm being a terrible writer for keeping you all waiting, not updating like I want too and like you want me too, and having a constant writers blockage. I really want to make this book longer then the first & all around better with more action, drama, love, and killer unexpected events! I know what I want to happen in the story, how to end it, and all the unexpected twist in between, but for some reason I can figure out how to move past the previous chapter. I wrote the beginning to it (after Talon moves Jessica to the couch, etc.) but can't get past that at the moment. . Sorry! I know you all want the next chapter up and I'm seriously trying my hardest.

With all that being said, if their is anyone who'd like to help me out with the next chapter (giving me some tips, things that could occur during the chapter, etc.) I'd greatly appreciate it and you'll get credit in the chapter. Just send me a private message (please don't comment it in the story or on my message board) me what you think I could use in the chapter. I'd like multiple messages so I could have a longer, thrilling chapter for the fans. WHOEVER SENDS ME TIPS IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE WILL BE CREDITED IN THE CHAPTER. It won't matter how many people there are, YOU STILL WILL GET CREDITED and possibly fanned.

Also I'd like to say, please please please Comment and Vote on 'We Lost Control'! I know most of you do, but it makes me feel so much better when I read comments on the story or get a vote. It make me feel like I'm doing a few things right with the story. So please keep up the Comments and Votes!

Thank You to Everyone Whose Read this Message, I appreciate it! ❤

- xoxo Ashley



I'm going to start another story also so I can switch back and forth between stories, that way I won't get tired of writing one. Some of you probably already know this and either don't care or have already read it, which is fine, but I'm just trying to get the story out there.

With all that being said, I've been working on this new story. It'll probably be around the end of this story before I will start posting a lot of chapters, but I wanted to let you all see what it's going to be about and see if it will spike your interest. . (:

Down below is the Summary (Description) of what the story will be about. I hope you all like it and will enjoy it as much as I like writing it. And I hope you stick with me through this story. (:

 ✳The First Chapter has been posted! Please go check it out! I'd greatly appreciate it!✳


 Someone Like You

Romance || Teen Fiction || Humor

Madison White is your average teenage girl. She's not popular, but she's not a loner either. She's in the middle. She's had boyfriends in the past, but she hasn't found that one guy that is suppose to catch her attention enough to make her stay. . yet.

It's the middle of her senior year, and she's on her Christmas & New Years break. . So what happens when during her friends New Years Eve party she runs into a random guy and they hit it off? One thing starts to lead to another and things happen. What happens when she wakes up the next morning to a completely empty bed heartbroken, that was once shared with the handsome stranger, naked?

Not to mention that she has to start back to school a few days later, to finish out her last semester of high school. So what happens when she walks into one of her classes and that amazingly hot, one night stand stranger is her new teacher? Will she handle herself around him again? Or will either her lust or anger get the best of her? Or maybe a little bit of both. .

Follow the story of Madison White to see how she finds herself and love, but along the way she gets broken and betrayed. . 


Yes, this is a Student/Teacher story. . BUT it's not the typical kind, and he is not that old and she is not that young so it won't be gross. BUT I am going to try to make it at least a bit believable. .

So thank you so much for Reading the little summary and I hope you stick around with me on Madison's adventure.

- xoxo Ashley

We Lost Control | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now